عرض العناصر حسب علامة : شهادات مهنية

الإعلان عن معدلات النجاح من قبل جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين (ACCA) للطلاب الذين أجروا امتحاناتهم في يونيو 2022.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Pass rates have been announced by ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) for students who sat their exams in June 2022.

    101,866 entered for the June sitting, which saw 122,756 exams completed. A total of 3,877 students completed their final exams to become ACCA Affiliates. Remotely invigilated exams continue to be popular with the number of students choosing this option rising to 15,474.

    Alan Hatfield, executive director – content, quality and innovation, said: ‘These are a strong set of mid-year results and we’re pleased to see so many students continuing on their journey towards ACCA membership.

    The ACCA Qualification continuously focuses on ensuring that our students have the appropriate skills, abilities and competencies required for the future accountant. In support of our improvement plan students will be aware that from the September 2022 exam session we are introducing professional skills marks into the Strategic Professional Options examinations.

    This is a progressive innovation which will enable ACCA students to demonstrate their technical mastery of their chosen specialisms, alongside the professional skills they need to be a successful finance professional in the workplace. The changes from September are in our AAA, AFM and APM examinations - ATX will change from June 2023. If you’re a student planning to sit AAA, AFM or APM in September, we have a selection of fantastic learning resources to help support you with this exciting change and achieve success.’

    Exam results
    The ACCA Qualification rigorously tests the skills, abilities and competencies that a modern-day accountant needs, with a firm grounding in ethics and professionalism. It prepares students for a rewarding career as a qualified and ethical finance professional.

    Results below also include those delivered via ACCA’s on-demand offering for Foundation Diplomas, Applied Knowledge and Law exams. These accounted for a further 33,474 exams, of which over 1,978 were made possible through remote invigilation.

تمكن معهد المعلم من الحصول على الثقة المهنية والأكاديمية بالحصول على فئة الشريك الذهبي لإعتمادية جمعية المحاسبين المحترفين المعتمدين البريطانية (ACCA) خلال شهر مارس الماضي 2022، وذلك ضمن استراتيجية المعهد وخططه التطويرية.

لم يكن المحاسبون الإداريون المعتمدون يتضررون من الراتب بسبب الانكماش الاقتصادي الناجم عن جائحة COVID-19 مثل غير الحاصلين على شهادة CMA، وفقًا لمسح نشره معهد المحاسبين الإداريين

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية CMAs experienced fewer salary cuts during pandemic
    By Michael Cohn
    March 02, 2021, 3:58 p.m. EST
    2 Min Read
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    Certified management accountants weren’t as hurt salary-wise by the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic as non-CMAs, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Institute of Management Accountants.

    The global survey found that CMAs were more confident in their job performance in comparison to non-CMAs and CPAs. Certified management accountants earned 58 percent more than non-CMAs and were less likely to experience a salary cut than non-CMAs (35 percent compared to 38 percent) across all regions. Globally, the difference in median total compensation between CMAs and non-CMAs was $29,000.

    The COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread job losses and economic devastation in the U.S. and other parts of the world, but accountants fared relatively well compared to other jobs, especially in industries like restaurants, retail, tourism, leisure and hospitality.

    “We have always known the CMA certification has a positive impact on compensation and job security,” said IMA director of research Kip Krumwiede in a statement. “This year is especially encouraging as CMA holders have been generally better off in maintaining both their jobs and compensation levels during the pandemic than those without the CMA.”

    Managing Your Firm in a Post-COVID World
    Think beyond the pandemic with exclusive resources to help you build a thriving virtual practice.

    The difference in median compensation varied sharply by region, according to the IMA survey. Respondents from the Americas region indicated that CMAs earn 22 percent more in median salary and 25 percent more in median total compensation than non-CMAs. They reported the highest median salary and total compensation amounts, earning $103,000 and $115,000, respectively, compared to other regions. CMAs were 12 percent more likely to say their job had not been impacted than non-CMAs, and were 12 percent less likely to be making a career change.

    The IMA awards the CMA designation and its annual salary survey tends to show how certificate holders earn more than their counterparts. Those holding the CMA certification were more likely to hold upper management job titles compared to non-CMAs, including directors (73 percent), CFOs (72 percent), and finance managers (66 percent). With CMAs becoming leaders in their companies, 85 percent of all respondents said the CMA gave them more confidence to perform their jobs at a high level and strengthened their ability to move across all areas of the business.

    Comparing the impact of COVID-19 on CMAs against non-CMAs, the survey found CMAs were more likely to say their job had not been impacted by COVID-19 than non-CMAs (33 percent compared to 21 percent), and less likely to be making a career change due to COVID-19 (9 percent as opposed to 21 percent).

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  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية IIA Group Training: Get on Board
    Refocus on Your Team in 2021 With IIA Group Training
    Train your team by bundling any combination of online options with IIA Group Training. We’ll even bring IIA Training to your location. No matter what your team development needs, The IIA will tailor our training to meet your goals with the latest talent assessment tools and professional development techniques — all based on The IIA’s Internal Audit Competency Framework©.

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    Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP) Training Needs Based on Competency Framework Tailored and Flexible Team Development Plan
    Evaluate your internal audit department’s Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP) every five years to:
    Meet requirements of the Standards
    Adhere to the Code of Ethics
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    Receive a tailored talent development plan based on individual and team needs – all aligned with the Competency Framework to:
    Maintain a consistent learning pathway
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    CIA Exam Preparation Instructor-led Course Part 2: Practice of Internal Auditing
    CIA Exam Preparation Instructor-led Course Part 3: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
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    Internal Audit Competency FrameworkFill Skill Gaps With Competencies
    NEW! The IIA’s Internal Audit Competency Framework© provides clear and concise professional development pathways, tools, and techniques that evolve with current risk environment and career level. Audit leaders and CAEs can use it as an onboarding resource and multi-year training plan to fill skill gaps.

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تعتبر شهادة جمعية المحاسبين القانونيين المعتمدين جواز سفر لعالم جديد من الفرص بمجرد أن تصبح عضوًا في الجمعية، تستمر عملية التعلم طوال حياتك المهنية

إذا كنت تسعى لإثبات كفاءتك المهنية في المراجعة الداخلية وتريد تحقيق ميزة مهنية كمراجع داخلي فأنت تبحث عن شهادة المدقق الداخلي المعتمد

 شهادة المحاسب القانوني المعتمد تخلق قيمة للشركات من خلال إيجاد طرق جديدة للإستفادة من خبرة و رؤية المحاسب القانوني المعتمد للكشف عن مسارات استراتيجية جديدة الى الأمام

شهادة CMA واحدة من اهم الشهادات المهنية التي يحصل عليها الدراس في مجال المحاسبة حيث اصبحت الشهادات المهنية جزء لا يتجزأ للحصول على فرصة مميزة في مجال العمل

للتميز في مجال العمل يسعى العديد للحصول على الشهادة المهنية التي يراها مناسبة لتخصصه، حيث ان اختيار الشهادة المهنية المناسبة له تساعدة على بناء المسار المهني والحصول على فرص عمل أكثر وتزود الشخص بالثقة لدى صاحب العمل لأن حصوله على هذه الشهادة يؤكد انه مر بمراحل تقييم فيعتبر ذلك دليل على كفاءته وزيادة الإنتاجية في سوق العمل وايضاً تساعده في الحصول على دخل مادي أفضل

الصفحة 2 من 3


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



جميع النصوص و الصور محمية بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و لا نسمح بالنسخ الغير مرخص

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