عرض العناصر حسب علامة : ITCG

اجتمعت المجموعة الاستشارية لتصنيف المعايير الدولية لإعداد التقارير المالية (ITCG) في 1 فبراير 2021

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Meeting note—IFRS® Taxonomy Consultative Group
    The IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group (ITCG) met remotely on 1 February 2021. This note,
    prepared by the staff of the IFRS Foundation, summarises the discussion. Related papers and a
    recording of the meeting are available on the meeting page.
    The ITCG discussed the feedback analysis on IFRS Taxonomy 2020—Proposed Update 4 General
    Improvements and Common Practice—Presentation of information in primary financial statements.1
    Feedback analysis on the Proposed IFRS Taxonomy Update 2020/4
    1 The aim of the session was to provide the ITCG with a summary of feedback from the public on
    the Proposed Update, and the planned response to that feedback.
    2 Many ITCG members agreed with the planned response. No ITCG member said he or she
    3 Some ITCG members explicitly agreed with the plan to:
    a. research double tagging further and discuss this topic again at the June 2021 ITCG
    meeting; and
    b. go ahead with the proposal for double tagging for earnings per share because it is an
    unusual case that merits its own approach.
    4 One ITCG member does not consider the cases described in the paper to be instances of
    double tagging. In this member’s view, the cases described simply reflect tagging of all
    disclosed facts, and such tagging would apply regardless of how these facts are presented in a
    printed report.
    5 The staff plans to finalise the IFRS Taxonomy Update, to be issued by the Foundation at the
    end of March together with the IFRS Taxonomy 2021.
    Other announcements
    6 The staff announced that the planned technical updates to the IFRS Taxonomy would be
    delayed to the IFRS Taxonomy 2022.2 ITCG members expressed no concerns about this delay
  • البلد الأردن

ملخص اجتماع ITCG لشهر أكتوبر 2020 متوفر الآن

موسومة تحت

اجتمعت المجموعة الاستشارية لتصنيف المعايير الدولية لإعداد التقارير المالية (ITCG) في 28 يوليو 2020

اجتمعت المجموعة الاستشارية لتصنيف المعايير الدولية لإعداد التقارير المالية (ITCG) في 2 يونيو 2020


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