عرض العناصر حسب علامة : RSM

أصدرت RSM International هذا الأسبوع نتائجها المالية لعام 2022 وأطلقت برنامجًا للنمو والتحول بهدف تحقيق نمو بنسبة 100٪ في الإيرادات بحلول نهاية العقد.

أصدر موقع Vault.com الخاص بالوظائف عبر الإنترنت قائمته لعام 2022 المحاسبة 50، وهو تصنيف سنوي لأفضل شركات المحاسبة للعمل بناءً على ملاحظات محترفي المحاسبة، مع تصدر شركة PwC.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية PwC tops Vault's 2022 'Accounting 50' list
    By Sean McCabe
    April 16, 2021, 3:35 p.m. EDT
    1 Min Read
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    Online career resource Vault.com released its 2022 Accounting 50 list, an annual ranking of the best accounting firms to work for based on accounting professionals' feedback, with Big Four firm PricewaterhouseCoopers topping the list.

    Rankings were based on feedback from some 11,400 accounting professionals, who were asked to rate the firms on categories such as compensation, culture, training, work-life balance and overall prestige. The Accounting 50 list was then compiled using a weighted formula based on the internal and external rankings.

    Vault’s survey also took special note of last year's events to determine their rankings, asking professionals about their firms’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement.

    Web Seminar Supporting payments growth with streamlined reconciliation
    Even though use of digital payments has been on a steady rise, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to digital.
    Big Four firms PwC, Deloitte and KPMG placed first through third, respectively. Their fellow Big Four firm Ernst & Young placed No. 29 out of 50.

    The top 10 firms of the 2022 Vault Accounting 50 are:

    1. PwC
    2. Deloitte
    3. KPMG
    4. BDO USA
    5. Plante Moran
    6. RSM US
    7. Baker Tilly US
    8. Moss Adams
    9. CohnReznick
    10. CBIZ MHM

    For the full list, head to Vault's site here.

عين أمناء مؤسسة المعايير الدولية لإعداد التقارير المالية برتراند بيرين كعضو في مجلس معايير المحاسبة الدولية. ستبدأ ولايته في 1 يوليو 2021.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation have appointed Bertrand Perrin as a member of the International Accounting Standards Board (Board).​

    Mr Perrin, from France, has extensive experience as a preparer and has worked closely with the Board and the Foundation for several years, most recently as a member of the IFRS Interpretations Committee, which he joined in 2016.

    He joins the Board on 1 July 2021 for an initial five-year term from his current position as Director of Accounting Standards and Special Projects at Vivendi, a European content, media and communications group headquartered in France. In this role, he has managed the implementation of various IFRS Standards, integrated new businesses acquired and led the co-ordination of group-wide financial reporting aspects.

    Before starting at Vivendi in 2003, he spent nine years as an external auditor at Salustro Reydel, at the time a member firm of RSM International.

    Mr Perrin also currently serves as a member of EFRAG’s Advisory Panel on Intangibles.

    He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Audencia Business School in Nantes.

    The Board comprises members from varied professional and geographical backgrounds. Mr Perrin will fill one of the European seats, succeeding Françoise Flores, whose term ends in June.

    Erkki Liikanen, Chair of the Trustees, said:

    On behalf of the Trustees, we look forward to welcoming Bertrand. His experience in applying IFRS Standards will provide helpful insight in our standard-setting work. I would also like to thank Françoise for the valuable contributions she has made to the Board’s work.
    Bertrand Perrin said:

    I look forward to joining the Board and participating in the continuous improvement of financial reporting through the standard-setting process, by providing the perspective of a former preparer. Indeed, I am most honoured to have the opportunity to serve the public interest and contribute to the public good.


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



جميع النصوص و الصور محمية بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و لا نسمح بالنسخ الغير مرخص

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