عرض العناصر حسب علامة : الحوسبة السحابية

يعتبر علم البيانات من أکثر العلوم إثارة وشيوعًا في القرن الحادي والعشرين، نشهد عصر غير مسبوق من حيث کثافة البيانات التي کانت نتيجة لاتصالنا بالإنترنت؛

يتمثل هدف الدراسة في دراسة وتحليل طبيعة تقنية الحوسبة السحابية کأحد مستحدثات تکنولوجيا المعلومات الرقمية، وتحديد الرکائز التي تستند إليها التقنية ودورها في تحسين جودة المعلومات الواردة بالتقارير السردية بأنواعها المختلفة مع بيان أهم تحدياتها ومخاطر تطبيقها بسوق البورصة المصرية.

الأربعاء, 07 سبتمبر 2022 08:48

4 تحديات تواجه شركات المحاسبة

تخضع العديد من شركات المحاسبة لتغييرات كبيرة حيث أظهرت العديد من التقارير الكيفية التي يمر بها مجال المحاسبة بتغييرات جوهرية، ويجب على شركات المحاسبة تنفيذ طرق جديدة لحل هذه المشكلات

هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى استعراض دور نظم المعلومات المحاسبية المحوسبة المطبقة في شركات التأمين التعاوني العاملة في فلسطين، على خصائص جودة النظام المحاسبي.

هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على دور نظم المعلومات المحاسبية الحوسبة في الحد من مخاطر استخدام الحوسبة السحابية.

مع تطور الطريقة التي تعمل بها المؤسسات، تطورت كذلك طبيعة التهديدات التي تواجهها الشركات. وعلى الرغم من أن فوائد الحوسبة السحابية ضخمة، إلا أنها تأتي مع مجموعة المخاطر الخاصة بها. 

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية What is Cloud Computing Security?
    Cloud computing security, or cloud security, is the combination of policies, controls, technologies, and applications employed to protect your cloud environment.

    These sets of security measures are aimed at protecting your data, applications, and cloud infrastructure from internal and external threats. Additionally, protecting users’ privacy and automatically maintaining compliance with industry-specific regulations are also taken care of.

    Cloud Computing security has three essential components.

    Prevention Measures
    Preventive measures, such as firewalls and anti-malware software, minimize vulnerability. They create a fort-like protective environment for cloud data, assets, and users. The system is protected from unauthorized users via multi-factor authentication.

    Detection Measures
    These monitoring and analytical measures are aimed at locating and stopping in-progress threats. Depending on the nature of the threat, measures are deployed to eliminate the attack. Several cloud security set-ups also use intelligent threat hunting and predictive technologies to create proactive solutions.

    Correction Measures
    These controls are focused on damage control and remediation actions after an attack has occurred or while it’s in progress.

    Why do you need Cloud Computing Security?
    Businesses administrators are concerned about moving their data to the cloud. And why wouldn’t they be? We hear of sophisticated malware and phishing attacks constantly, which is scary.

    Sensitive business information is the lifeline of a business and, therefore, a target for malicious forces. A survey by Ermetic reports that nearly 80% of companies working on the cloud experienced a data breach at some time or another.

    Even though cyber-hacks and attacks can be trending topics, the fact is that your data is much safer on the cloud. Security and data protection are high priorities for cloud service providers.

    Protection of users’ identity, information, and privacy is the cornerstone of cloud computing security. Additionally, cloud computing security focuses on preventing leaks, controlling data access, preventing attacks, and providing real-time statistical analysis of penetration attempts.

    Benefits of Cloud Computing Security
    1. Centralized security
    Cloud computing security centralizes all security protocols in one place. Companies that operate in cloud-based networks deal with various devices and endpoints, and it is a humongous task to keep a check on shadow IT or various personal devices.

    With cloud-based central management, all web traffic can be analyzed. Software and security policy updates can be made at once, and disaster recovery plans can be implemented evenly and quickly.

    2. Cost efficiency
    Cloud security eliminates many overhead costs that businesses have traditionally incurred. The capital investment on expensive hardware and its maintenance is eliminated with cloud services. Additionally, you receive a team of security experts working for you instead of hiring and training new employees.

    3. Reliable and readily available
    Cloud security measures, once effectively in place, offer solid reliability. They provide consistent safety when accessing the cloud from anywhere. They are also readily available, so you don’t have to wait for hardware delivery and set-up before starting.

    4. Reduced IT and admin workload
    Cloud computing security is centralized and automated. It frees up your IT and admin teams from several repetitive tasks, such as making manual updates or implementing policies across all devices.

    5. Compliant with industry regulation
    Effective cloud computing security programs generate reports that adhere to compliances such as HIPPA, PCI DSS, ISO 27002, to name a few. Such automatic compliance goes a long way in making work more convenient.

    6. Ease of scaling
    Your security can easily and instantly scale with your cloud computing demands and integrate changes quickly without security risks. Cloud security also has the ability to scale up during high traffic periods and scale down during low traffic periods.

    Essential Functions Performed by Cloud Computing Security
    Cloud computing security in itself is an umbrella term. It encompasses all the security practices and technologies employed in protecting an organization’s cloud environment.

    On a case-by-case basis, the components and functions of cloud security vary in enterprises. It depends on an organization’s security strategy, industry-specific requirements, risk and vulnerability assessments. But some components are generally found across different strategies and are an essential function in providing cloud computing security.

    1. Access control for sensitive data
    Access and identity management is an essential task, where access to critical data is limited to essential personnel. It includes determining who can take which action on file, such as who has permission to edit a file versus who can only read it.

    2. Protection from social engineering threats
    Social engineering attacks, such as phishing, capitalize on human errors. Awareness training for employees helps them be vigilant and smart when working on the cloud.

    3. Data backups and disaster recovery
    We’ve all forgotten to save our work at some time or the other. Cloud security software backs-up data automatically and at regular intervals. With data saved in remote servers, data safety during disasters is ensured.

    4. Anti-malware and ransomware
    Anti-malware, anti-virus, and protection from ransomware are core components of all security strategies. All endpoint devices are protected with the use of firewalls, URL filtering, and several other measures.

    5. Event analysis and monitoring
    An essential feature of a comprehensive security strategy needs real-time monitoring and detection of threats and attacks. Regular event reports are analyzed for enhanced risk and vulnerability assessment and threat prediction.

    Cloud Computing Security – A need of the hour
    Cloud computing security goes a step beyond just protecting your data; it protects your users’ privacy while reducing costs and easing the load off your IT and administrative teams. In the age of cloud computing, your security strategies cannot be traditional. They need to be cloud-based too!

تعد الحوسبة السحابية بمثابة نقلة نوعية في عالم التکنولوجيا وهي تعتمد على نقل المعالجات ومساحات التخزين الخاصة بالحاسب الى ما يعرف بالسحابة

معلومات إضافية

  • البلد مصر

في 6 مايو من كل عام، يعترف أولئك الذين يعملون في مهنة التمويل بالمحاسبين الإداريين في جميع أنحاء العالم

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية What a global talent pool means for management accountants
    By Jeff Thomson
    May 06, 2021, 9:39 a.m. EDT
    3 Min Read
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    Each year on May 6, those of us in the finance profession recognize management accountants across the globe. This International Management Accounting Day is especially poignant, coming after one of the most disruptive and challenging years for businesses in modern history, and we should all take the time to appreciate the hard work, dedication and tenacity of those prevailing through the pandemic. Management accountants are risk managers, budgeters, strategists and decision-makers who are valued by their companies during uncertain times.

    The crucial role of management accountants has not changed, but the global talent pool from which companies recruit them has undergone an immense transformation over the past year. Thanks to mass remote work, which will likely continue in some form once the pandemic is over, the job market is no longer local, regional or even national. With companies announcing office closures and hiring remote employees, talent no longer has borders. Eliminating geographic boundaries increases the number of applicants with whom candidates are competing, so it’s important they find ways to compellingly distinguish themselves. As a result, here is what should be top of mind for all management accountants today.

    Prioritizing globally recognized certifications

    Web Seminar Execute your data driven audit
    The journey toward a fully data-driven audit that utilizes AI begins by first effectively leveraging automation and analytics in your audit workflow.
    Accountants with globally recognized educational achievements will stand out among the rest. For nearly 50 years, the CMA (Certified Management Accountant) certification, a U.S.-based globally recognized certification offered by the Institute of Management Accountants, has been the global benchmark for the profession. It’s designed to meet the needs of a rapidly changing business environment. Top employers such as 3M, AT&T, Bank of America, Boeing, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Verizon and Xerox employ and promote CMAs. From Fortune 500 companies to small and medium-sized businesses, employers in every industry recognize their value.

    AI as a trusted business partner

    These uncertain times laid bare the advantage of companies that were more advanced in AI. The adoption of new technologies by organizations has significantly increased this past year to meet demands and exceed expectations. Proficiency with artificial intelligence, data analytics, robotic process automation and cloud-based computing at scale are real competitive differentiators around the world. Those equipped with these tech skills can not only automate processes and leverage data analytics, but also perform more value-adding work, making them highly attractive and putting them in high demand in today’s labor market.

    The value of sustainability

    Management accountants are vital to the financial health of organizations as they plan for business sustainability. Companies that operate in global markets are subject to a variety of environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure requirements. Accounting and finance professionals with a pulse on sustainability reporting have a leg up. They see how ESG issues, such as climate change preparedness and diversity, equity and inclusion tie into the growth of intangible business value. More importantly, today’s finance leaders drive their organization’s value in an unpredictable market.

    Rethinking risk

    The COVID-19 pandemic caused supply chains and business continuity plans to crumble. Now, accountants are increasingly being called upon to minimize risk and prepare for future disruptions. All organizations are susceptible to fraudulent activities, but their accounting and finance teams can identify, deter and report fraud risks. These professionals make critical decisions and implement effective risk oversight, solving problems and thinking outside the box to the benefit of their businesses.

    On this International Management Accounting Day, it’s worth asking what competing in a global accounting and finance talent pool means for CMAs. At IMA, we’ve been tracking these shifts and prevailing trends relevant to management accountants and other finance leaders and professionals. We’re proud to see them continuously bringing their value, expertise and determination to their companies during these uncertain times. This is why we have a day out of the year earmarked just to celebrate them.
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في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



جميع النصوص و الصور محمية بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و لا نسمح بالنسخ الغير مرخص

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