عرض العناصر حسب علامة : المعاملات المالية

يهدف هذا البحث إلى التعرف على تأثير العقد النفسي (عقد المعاملات / عقد العلاقات / العقد المتوازن) على كلاٍ من أبعاد الأداء العالي والاستغراق الوظيفي للعاملين بجامعة المنوفية. 

الثلاثاء, 25 يناير 2022 16:31

ما هي المعاملات في المحاسبة؟

ما هي المعاملة في المحاسبة؟ ما الذي تحتاجه تحديدًا لتتبعه وتسجله؟

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية What Is Transaction in Accounting? An Easy Guide
    JENA KOSINSKI | NOV 09, 2021
    Keeping your books in order throughout the year is important. So, you track every item, line by line. And, you record every transaction. But, what is transaction in accounting? What, specifically, do you need to track and record?

    What is transaction in accounting?
    So, what exactly is the transaction definition in accounting? In accounting, a transaction is any monetary business event that impacts a business’s financial statements.

    Because transactions include any event that has a monetary impact on your financial records, there are a lot of items that are transactions. Accounting transactions examples in your account ledger include:

    Sales to customers, cash or credit
    Payments received on invoices
    Purchases of fixed assets
    Depreciation of fixed assets over time
    Business loans
    Dividends to investors
    Sale of assets
    Purchases of consumable supplies
    …And more. You need to record transactions regardless of the type of accounting method you use.

    Examples of accounting transactions include Sales to customers, cash or credit, payments received on invoices, purchases of fixed assets, depreciation of fixed assets over time, investments, business loans, dividends to investors, sale of assets, purchases of consumable supplies.

    If your business uses accrual accounting, record the transactions when you accrue the revenue or expense.

    Businesses that use cash-basis accounting must record income or expenses when the payment is received or made.

    Modified cash-basis accounting blends cash basis and accrual accounting. With this method, you record transactions at the time payment is received or made (like in cash-basis).

    All three types use transactions, but when you record the transactions differs.

    Cash-basis transactions
    Again, only record a transaction in accounting when there is an actual exchange of cash in cash-basis accounting. Transactions in cash-basis accounting are immediate and do not cover long-term transactions. What does this mean?

    Cash-basis transactions are all short-term transactions. And, the transactions only include monetary exchanges in the following accounts:

    So, cash-basis accounting typically sees fewer accounting transactions because the method uses fewer accounts. And, cash-basis accounting uses single-entry accounting. So, you only record each transaction once (i.e., when the transaction actually occurs) to the specific account the transaction impacts (e.g., the cash account).

    Accrual-basis transactions
    Accrual accounting uses double-entry bookkeeping. So, you record a single transaction, but it affects at least two accounts. The accrual method also typically sees more transactions in the account ledger because it uses more accounts. And, you use journal entries to record the funds.

    When you record a financial transaction in your books, use debits and credits to show the equal and opposite effects on two or more accounts.

    For example, you send an invoice to a customer for a product. Record the income at the time the customer receives the invoice by debiting the asset account for income. Then, credit the asset account for inventory to decrease the amount of inventory.

    In the example, one transaction (selling inventory) results in two journal entries in accrual-basis accounting. However, the journal entries are not the transactions. Instead, the transaction is the sale of the product for income.

    With accrual accounting, every transaction results in a balanced accounting equation.

    Modified cash-basis transactions
    Again, modified cash-basis accounting combines parts of both cash basis and accrual methods. But, modified cash basis uses double-entry accounting and includes more accounts than cash basis. So, each transaction can have two or more journal entries to more accounts.

    With modified cash basis, you can have more types of transactions than you would with cash basis. The big difference is when you record the transactions.

    Examples of transactions in accounting
    Remember that a single transaction results in at least two journal entries in double-entry accounting but only one entry in single-entry accounting.

    Take a look at some examples of transactions in recording an accounting transaction in a double-entry system

    Getting caught up in running your business? Don’t let recording transactions slip your mind. Add your accounting transactions anywhere, anytime with Patriot’s online accounting software. Try it free for 30 days!
    1. Example 1
    You decide to open up a small business selling a wide variety of handmade items. To open the business, you save up $10,000. After you save up the money, you deposit the cash into a new business bank account.

    The $10,000 is your owner’s equity and is the first transaction in your books.

    To record the deposit in your books, debit the cash account $1,000 and credit the owner’s equity account the same amount.

    2. Example 2
    Your first customer comes in and buys multiple items with cash. The first customer represents one transaction even though they purchased multiple items. The total cost of the sale was $100.

    To record the sale in your books, debit the cash account $100 and credit the sales account for the same amount.

    3. Example 3
    Your second customer purchases $50 worth of products using a credit card. Again, the sale is one transaction even though the customer purchases multiple items.

    Record the sale by debiting the accounts receivable $50 and crediting the sales account by the same amount.

    4. Example 4
    After a few months in business, you decide to take out a business loan to expand. When you receive the loan, you record one transaction. Then, each loan payment will be individual transactions until you pay off the loan. Remember that most loans have interest rates, so you will have to create an interest expense account in your books.

    To record receipt of the loan, debit the cash account by the amount of the loan. If you haven’t already done so, create a loans payable account in your books under liabilities. Then, credit the loans payable account by the amount of the loan.

    When you make your first payment, the payment transaction impacts three accounts:

    Debit the loans payable account
    Debit the interest expense account
    Credit the cash account
    Why are transactions in accounting important?
    Transactions in accounting allow you to see where you spend and receive money and how much. And, the individual transactions create the foundation of all of your financial statements, including:

    Income statement
    Balance sheet
    Cash flow statement
    Keep in mind that your financial statements are only as accurate as the data you enter. So, remember to record every transaction carefully and promptly.

    You can use accounting software to streamline the process of recording transactions. How? Accounting software can:

    Record invoices in your books when you send the invoice
    Connect to your bank account and import transactions
    Integrate with your payroll software and record payroll transactions in your books automatically
    Create automatic journal entries for sales and bill payments
    …And more! For transactions that the software cannot automatically create, record the journal entries as soon as possible.
موسومة تحت
الخميس, 20 يناير 2022 08:45

إمساك الدفاتر

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معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Introduction to Bookkeeping
    Did you know? To make the topic of Bookkeeping even easier to understand, we created a collection of premium materials called AccountingCoach PRO. Our PRO users get lifetime access to our bookkeeping video training, cheat sheet, flashcards, quick test, tests for prospective employees, guide to bookkeeping concepts, and more.

    The term bookkeeping means different things to different people:

    Some people think that bookkeeping is the same as accounting. They assume that keeping a company's books and preparing its financial statements and tax reports are all part of bookkeeping. Accountants do not share their view.

    Others see bookkeeping as limited to recording transactions in journals or daybooks and then posting the amounts into accounts in ledgers. After the amounts are posted, the bookkeeping has ended and an accountant with a college degree takes over. The accountant will make adjusting entries and then prepare the financial statements and other reports.

    The past distinctions between bookkeeping and accounting have become blurred with the use of computers and accounting software. For example, a person with little bookkeeping training can use the accounting software to record vendor invoices, prepare sales invoices, etc. and the software will update the accounts in the general ledger automatically. Once the format of the financial statements has been established, the software will be able to generate the financial statements with the click of a button.

    At mid-size and larger corporations the term bookkeeping might be absent. Often corporations have accounting departments staffed with accounting clerks who process accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, etc. The accounting clerks will be supervised by one or more accountants.

    Our explanation of bookkeeping attempts to provide you with an understanding of bookkeeping and its relationship with accounting. Our goal is to increase your knowledge and confidence in bookkeeping, accounting and business. In turn, we hope that you will become more valuable in your current and future roles.

    Confused? Send Feedback
    Bookkeeping: Past and Present
    Bookkeeping in the Old Days
    Prior to computers and software, the bookkeeping for small businesses usually began by writing entries into journals. Journals were defined as the books of original entry. In order to reduce the amount of writing in a general journal, special journals or daybooks were introduced. The special or specialized journals consisted of a sales journal, purchases journal, cash receipts journal, and cash payments journal.

    The company's transactions were written in the journals in date order. Later, the amounts in the journals would be posted to the designated accounts located in the general ledger. Examples of accounts include Sales, Rent Expense, Wages Expense, Cash, Loans Payable, etc. Each account's balance had to be calculated and the account balances were used in the company's financial statements. In addition to the general ledger, a company may have had subsidiary ledgers for accounts such as Accounts Receivable.

    Handwriting the many transactions into journals, rewriting the amounts in the accounts, and manually calculating the account balances would likely result in some incorrect amounts. To determine whether errors had occurred, the bookkeeper prepared a trial balance. A trial balance is an internal report that lists 1) each account name, and 2) each account's balance in the appropriate debit column or credit column. If the total of the debit column did not equal the total of the credit column, there was at least one error occurring somewhere between the journal entry and the trial balance. Finding the one or more errors often meant spending hours retracing the entries and postings.

    After locating and correcting the errors the bookkeeping phase was completed and the accounting phase began. It began with an accountant preparing adjusting entries so that the accounts reflected the accrual basis of accounting. Adjusting entries were necessary for the following reasons:

    additional revenues and assets may have been earned but were not recorded
    additional expenses and liabilities may have been incurred but were not recorded
    some of the amounts that had been recorded by the bookkeeper may have been prepayments which are no longer prepaid
    depreciation and other non-routine adjustments needed to be computed and recorded
    After all of the adjustments were made, the accountant presented the adjusted account balances in the form of financial statements.

    After each year's financial statements were completed, closing entries were needed. The purpose of closing entries is to get the balances in all of the income statement accounts (revenues, expenses) to be zero before the start of the new accounting year. The net amount of the income statement account balances would ultimately be transferred to the proprietor's capital account or to the stockholders' retained earnings account.

    Bookkeeping Today
    The electronic speed of computers and accounting software gives the appearance that many of the bookkeeping and accounting tasks have been eliminated or are occurring simultaneously. For example, the preparation of a sales invoice will automatically update the relevant general ledger accounts (Sales, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Cost of Goods Sold), update the customer's detailed information, and store the information for the financial statements as well as other reports.

    The accounting software has been written so that every transaction must have the debit amounts equal to the credit amounts. The electronic accuracy also eliminates the errors that had occurred when amounts were manually written, rewritten and calculated. As a result, the debits will always equal the credits and the trial balance will always be in balance. No longer will hours be spent looking for errors that occurred in a manual system.

    CAUTION: While the accounting software is amazingly fast and accurate in processing the information that is entered, the software is unable to detect whether some transactions have been omitted, have been entered twice, or if incorrect accounts were used. Fraudulent transactions and amounts could also be entered if a company fails to have internal controls.

    After the sales invoices, vendor invoices, payroll and other transactions have been processed for each accounting period, some adjusting entries are still required. The adjusting entries will involve:

    revenues and assets that were earned, but not yet entered into the software
    expenses and liabilities that were incurred, but not yet entered into the software
    prepayments that are no longer prepaid
    recording depreciation expense, bad debts expense, etc.
    The adjusting entries will require a person to determine the amounts and the accounts. Without adjusting entries the accounting software will be producing incomplete, inaccurate, and perhaps misleading financial statements.

    After the financial statements for the year are released, the software will transfer the balances from the income statement accounts to the sole proprietor's capital account or to the stockholders' retained earnings account. This allows for the following year's income statement accounts to begin with zero balances. (The balance sheet accounts are not closed as their balances are carried forward to the next accounting year.)

    Recording Transactions
    Bookkeeping (and accounting) involves the recording of a company's financial transactions. The transactions will have to be identified, approved, sorted and stored in a manner so they can be retrieved and presented in the company's financial statements and other reports.

    Here are a few examples of some of a company's financial transactions:

    The purchase of supplies with cash.
    The purchase of merchandise on credit.
    The sale of merchandise on credit.
    Rent for the business office.
    Salaries and wages earned by employees.
    Buying equipment for the office.
    Borrowing money from a bank.


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



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