عرض العناصر حسب علامة : ثاني أكسيد الكربون

الأربعاء, 06 يناير 2021 12:23

نجاح خطط التعافي المستدام

في جميع أنحاء العالم، دمرت جائحة COVID-19 الأرواح وسبل العيش، مع الإغلاق الضروري الذي تسبب في أعمق تراجع اقتصادي منذ الكساد الكبير

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Can we warm a cooling economy by cooling a warming planet?
    By Gianluca Di Pasquale
    EY Global Green Economies & Infrastructure Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader

    Across the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has devasted lives and livelihoods, with the necessary lockdowns causing the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

    Governments have been forced to address a dual challenge: unprecedented demand for financial support and public services, coupled with dwindling tax revenues from economic activity. The amount of economic stimulus globally has exceeded US$12t. And in many countries, public debt, already high following the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), is now at historic levels.
    The global pandemic brings with it a chance for radical change
    The immediate tasks of governments are to address the health care crisis and restore economic growth.

    In this context, the aims of the Paris Agreement – to keep the rise in global temperature to below 2% and pursue efforts to keep it to 1.5% – may appear an unnecessary distraction. But as the recent US wildfires and other extreme weather events around the world vividly demonstrate, the devastating impacts of climate change can’t be ignored.

    While the economic slowdown caused daily global greenhouse gas emissions to fall 17%¹ by early April, compared with last year’s average, they’re quickly rising again as economies reopen. The world can ill-afford to achieve much-needed economic growth by resuming the polluting ways of the past. Instead, we must see the pandemic as a one-off opportunity to bring radical change – and make sure the economic recovery is sustainable.

    Moving to a low-carbon economy will produce jobs and prevent human harm
    Even before the pandemic, the World Bank estimated that a transition to low-carbon, resilient economies could create 65m new jobs by 2030.

    What’s more, without urgent action, climate change could push a further 100m people into poverty by 2030, and displace 143m in just three regions.² Yet, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, as of July 2020, the top 50 economies had dedicated only around 5% of their national stimulus packages to sustainability initiatives.

    Preparing for the future includes avoiding the mistakes of the past
    The GFC was a different kind of crisis, but governments can still learn from its lessons.

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    19 Jun 2020 Jan Bellens
    The proportion of stimulus governments are earmarking for sustainability measures is much lower today than after the GFC. Yet even that response failed to address the climate crisis – and the recovery led to more carbon emissions, not fewer.

    Of course, much of the initial stimulus spending during the current crisis has focused on providing short-term relief on a scale not seen during the GFC. Predominantly, it’s gone on protecting employment and preventing insolvencies.


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