عرض العناصر حسب علامة : مسك الدفاتر

انضم إلى عرض مسك الدفاتر حيث ستناقش لجنة التحكيم أهمية التطوير المهني المستمر.

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  • نوع الفعالية مجانا
  • بداية الفعالية الأربعاء, 05 أكتوبر 2022
  • نهاية الفعالية الأربعاء, 05 أكتوبر 2022
  • التخصص أخرى
  • مكان الفعالية اونلاين
الإثنين, 19 سبتمبر 2022 12:09

هل blockchain فرصة للمحاسبين أم تهديد

تمثل تقنية Blockchain كلاً من التهديدات والفرص للمحاسبين ومحترفي مسك الدفاتر. بغض النظر فهي تعتبر جزء من مستقبل المحاسبة.

الأربعاء, 20 يوليو 2022 10:33

ما هو مسك الدفاتر

عندما تجري عملية بيع أو شراء، سيتغير مقدار المال لديك لذلك يعد تتبع المعاملات المالية لشركتك أمرًا أساسيًا لمستقبل عملك. لحسن الحظ، تُنشئ هذه المبيعات والمشتريات مستندات مثل الفواتير والإيصالات. يتتبع مسك الدفاتر أموالك من خلال الوثائق التي ينشئها عملك على أساس يومي.

بعد عقود من التوقف في مختبرات الأبحاث، أصبح الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) جاهزًا للظهور في أوقات الذروة، مما يؤدي إلى تغيير إن لم يكن تعطيل جميع قطاعات الاقتصاد التي تولد الكثير من البيانات (البيانات الضخمة)، من التكنولوجيا إلى التمويل والاتصالات والطاقة والرعاية الصحية، التنقل أو التصنيع.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية After decades stuck in research labs, artificial intelligence (AI) is ready for prime-time, transforming if not disrupting all the sectors of the economy that generate lots of data (big data), from tech to finance, communications, energy, healthcare, mobility or manufacturing.

    More than most other industries, accounting hasn’t seen much innovation since the creation of double-entry bookkeeping - a process of recording both profits and losses - and considered one of the greatest advances in the history of business and commerce.

    That was over 500 years ago!

    However, the good news is that applying AI and machine learning technologies to bookkeeping, is becoming a reality with most of the major accounting software vendors (Intuit, OneUp, Sage, and Xero) currently offering capabilities to automate data entry, reconciliations and sometimes more.


    In our upcoming research report on the future of accounting, we expect that by 2020, accounting tasks - but also tax, payroll, audits, banking… - will be fully automated using AI-based technologies, which will disrupt the accounting industry in a way it never was for the last 500 years, bringing both huge opportunities and serious challenges.

    Artificial intelligence will not eliminate accountants

    “Having machines to do all these tedious and repetitive tasks could sound scary for many accountants because they are also very time-consuming and thus very lucrative,” explained Stephanie Weil, CEO of Accounteam, a Silicon Valley-based accounting firm. “However, if the AI system is well configured, it can eliminate accounting errors that are generally hard to find and thereby reduce our liability and allows us to move to a more advisory role.”

    In an upcoming research study, we also tested the automation capabilities of 4 of the most popular AI-enabled cloud-accounting solutions available in the market today (OneUp, QuickBooks Online, SageOne, and Xero) and rank them against our Accounting Automation Index (AAI) which evaluates the accuracy of their AI engines to automatically recognize transactions coming in from bank feeds and generate the correct accounting without any user intervention.

    OneUp proved to be the most effective with an Automation Index rate of 95% after 5 months of use, followed by QuickBooks Online (77%), Xero (38%) and SageOne (30%).

    Despite being very promising, the accuracy of the machine learning algorithms used in most of today's solutions still needs to significantly improve in efficiency to avoid accounting errors and really fulfill their promise of automation.

دعنا نتعمق في الاختلافات بين مسك الدفاتر وبرمجيات المحاسبة لفحص ما تحتاجه حقًا لأفضل إدارة مالية. في كثير من الأحيان، يتم استخدام مصطلحات مسك الدفاتر والمحاسبة بالتبادل. لكن هذه مفاهيم مختلفة، تنعكس بوضوح في التكنولوجيا الحديثة.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Bookkeeping vs Accounting
    When you compare bookkeeping vs accounting, they both involve managing financial transactions and accounts. The difference lies in the scale and depth of these processes.

    Bookkeeping is simply the recording and monitoring of financial transactions. These include sales transactions, purchases, receipts, and payments made by the company.

    Accounting is more complex. Accounting refers to the documentation, interpretation, analysis, classification, and summarization of financial data.

    So, while the two are related, they address two different aspects of financial management. Primarily, bookkeeping logs financial information and may involve rolling up the details, while accounting tracks the financial data, manages it, and then uses the data to enhance business. However, this divide has shifted substantially thanks to how they’re used in IT software. To learn more about accounting definitions and terms, check out our accounting vocabulary page.

    Bookkeeping Software vs Accounting Software, What’s the Difference?
    Bookkeeping software concentrates on the basic components of financial management. You’ll use a bookkeeping system like QuickBooks to document your finances and pay bills. But that’s mostly it. Bookkeeping software focuses on data entry and storage. This is what you use to log your revenue and pay expenses.

    Accounting software performs all the functions of bookkeeping in addition to more analytical and actionable accounting functions like cash flow analysis and forecasting. Besides logging and processing debits and credits, accounting systems consolidate key data needed for more proactive financial strategies. What gives accounting software an edge is its proactive use of data.

    What’s the Role of Data in a Business’ Financial Health?
    One defining feature of both modern accounting and IT technology is data. The use of data even dictates the roles of both bookkeepers and accountants.

    Bookkeepers don’t necessarily need an accounting degree or a financial background like an accountant or CPA. They just know proper financial data entry in order to record the transactions properly. This is more of a clerical role, which is still important because accuracy is critical for accounting and finances. However, bookkeeping ends at recording and updating information. This is where the accountant takes over.

    Accountants can do bookkeeping work as well, but they are primarily an advisor. Today, the accountant is the curator of your financial data. Accountants take the financial transactions, account information, and other related financial data, and analyze how these details indicate business performance. They then use this financial data to help businesses make the best decisions for success. Accounting software helps accountants do this by capturing and presenting data in a way that helps identify trends and make accurate projections.

    [So] Which is the Best Accounting Technology?
    It’s pretty obvious that accounting software is better than bookkeeping software. Accounting software is designed to let you do more and visualize your financial health more clearly. You simply get more for what you pay for. Therefore, you should be looking to use or upgrade to a dedicated accounting app, right? Not necessarily.

    Accounting applications, while more useful than bookkeeping software, still have several limitations. They can be rigid in how you use, assess, and process financial data or manage transactions. You’ll get the best value and use out of an accounting platform like Accounting Seed than you would a typical accounting app.

    Bookkeeping and Accounting: Accounting Platforms
    Essentially, an accounting platform combines the goals and functions of bookkeeping and accounting software, but that’s not all. This is because IT platforms are designed for individual organizations to build on top of them. Accounting and bookkeeping applications can be restrictive. They’re not very flexible in how users can work with their own requirements. This isn’t the case with accounting platforms.

    Accounting platforms bring a full complement of financial features, the functionality to be adjusted, and an increased emphasis on data control. In summary, the choice is simple. Companies don’t need to choose between bookkeeping or accounting because accounting platforms bring a full-scale accounting solution that will continue to adapt to their needs.

أطلقت الهيئة منصة "إتكال" لخدمات المحاسبة والأعمال، ويأتي ذلك دعماً لرواد الأعمال والمنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة، والتي ستسهم في استدامة الأعمال التجارية ونموها

عندما تصبح الأوقات صعبة، تستمر الأمور الصعبة. في حين أدى جائحة COVID-19 إلى زوال بعض الشركات الصغيرة، فإن حالة عدم اليقين أشعلت موجة من روح المبادرة لدى العديد منها، مما حفز إطلاق عدد غير مسبوق من الشركات الجديدة.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Avoid these small-biz bookkeeping mistakes
    By Lawrence Levinson
    November 18, 2021, 1:05 p.m. EST
    4 Min Read
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    When times get tough, the tough get going. While the COVID-19 pandemic led to the demise of some small businesses, the uncertainty sparked a wave of entrepreneurial spirit in many, spurring the launch of an unprecedented number of new ones.

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 4.4 million new businesses were created in the U.S. in 2020 — that’s 24.3% more than in 2019. In June 2021 alone, more than 448,000 new business applications were filed.

    As these new businesses take shape in a new and evolving landscape, it’s important to not overlook the fundamental elements that contribute to a business’s long-term financial health. While most business owners start a venture because they have a passion, talent or craft to share with others, neglecting the administrative side of running a business can impact its longevity.

    Payroll Relief: The Ultimate Payroll Software for Accountants

    The good news is that many of these missteps can be addressed by building some best practices into the company's bookkeeping routine. Let’s explore the most common slip-ups and how to fix them.

    Mixing personal and business finances

    Although running your business is a big part of your life, when it comes to your finances, you still need to separate business from personal. Specifically, this applies to your bank accounts. Failing to do so will make it hard to figure out which expenses are business-related and tax deductible.

    Even if you have separate accounts for business and personal finances, be cautious when you use personal funds to pay for business expenses. While a swipe of your personal card to cover an item here and there may seem innocuous, they quickly add up over time and can be hard to keep track of. What’s more, you might forget to account for these expenses and miss out on tax savings down the line.

    Bookkeeping without a bank connection

    Once you’re all set up with a separate business bank account, bookkeeping for your business becomes easier, as you can use the bank data to keep track of income and expenses. One thing you don’t want to get stuck with, however, is the painstaking and time-consuming task of having to enter your bank data manually.

    Using accounting software that connects to your bank digitally eliminates the bulk of manual entry, and makes tracking sales and expenses much more efficient.

    Failing to keep records in a safe place (or at all)

    A small-business owner came to us for assistance last February to get their books in order for tax season. But here’s the plot twist: They had stored their receipts in their desk drawer, and had just completed a move across the country. In the process of moving, the people they hired to help them move cleared out the drawers and tossed the receipts out, so they were left with no record of their expenses.

    Even with a designated business account, it’s still important to retain records and documentation of your transactions. These will come in handy at tax time as well as if you face an audit. They’re also helpful if you’re unsure of which category an expense goes under, so an accountant or tax professional can look at the receipt and advise.

    The next time you make a transaction, scan your receipt and save it on your computer, or better yet, use accounting software that links to your bank card and digitally files receipts and invoice copies for safekeeping.

    Not hiring the right professional for your business

    One way to avoid some of the bookkeeping work is to outsource the task altogether. However, this can be a costly mistake if the person you hire doesn’t have experience relevant to your needs. It may be tempting to turn to a friend for “free” advice, or a fellow entrepreneur who claims to have a great handle on their own finances, but keep in mind that individual needs differ.

    Modern bookkeeping and banking solutions can save business owners many hours and headaches. These solutions are designed to save you time and help you feel in control of your finances. Coaching from qualified experts can help take you to the next level of growth and provide advice and insights that are tailored to you. When business picks up and you’ve got a lot on your plate, delegating the task of bookkeeping makes sense as you focus on the bigger picture.

    'Putting it off' until tax season

    Since bookkeeping is a collection of small, separate tasks that build up over time, it can be tough to tackle all at once. Leaving it to the last minute can cause a lot of stress and lead to significant mistakes.

    The best thing you can do is set aside some time throughout the year — I recommend at least once a quarter and ideally once a month — to review your records and ensure everything is up to date and accurate.

    Keeping an eye on your books throughout the year can also give you a better idea of your cash flow, which can ultimately help you make smarter financially informed business decisions.

    Nearly two years into the pandemic, it’s clear the business landscape has been forever changed. While optimism is high for the millions of new small-business owners across the country, the truth is that starting your own business is anything but a guaranteed success. By taking a proactive and intentional approach to bookkeeping, entrepreneurs can put themselves on the fast track to business longevity.
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في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



جميع النصوص و الصور محمية بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و لا نسمح بالنسخ الغير مرخص

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