عرض العناصر حسب علامة : نصائح مهنية

هل أنشأتم خطوط اتصال مباشرة وواضحة بينكم كمجلس ادارة الشركة وبين الإدارة العليا لمناقشة مبادرات استجابة COVID19؟
الخطوات التي تحتاج جميع شركات وأقسام المحاسبة إلى إجرائها، خاصة في أوقات الأوبئة الفيروسية وأزمات الصحة العامة الأخرى
الانتقال إلى العمل عن بعد في وضع الأزمات في كثير من الأحيان هو مساعدة سريعة أو تمهيد
كمحاسب قانوني هل تمانع من تقديم بعض المساعدة لطلاب المحاسبة بعد فرض التعلم عن بُعد؟!
الثلاثاء, 24 مارس 2020 08:50

معاً للحد من انتشار فيروس كورونا

كمجتمع عالمي، نحن نمر بأوقات عصيبة وغير مسبوقة.

لقد أصبحت حالات إختراق البيانات أمرًا شائعًا في أعمالنا وحتى حياتنا الشخصية، وإذا كانت شركتك هي الطرف المتضررفإن الأمر كله يتعلق بعملية إسترداد البيانات. على هذا النحو، نقدم لك هذه المدونة من Patrick Ross من Entigrityلمساعدتك في هذه الحالة.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Data breaches have unfortunately become commonplace in our modern business and personal lives, and if your firm is on the receiving end it’s all about access and recovery. As such, we bring you this blog from Entigrity’s Patrick Ross to help you with this eventuality.

    More often than not, accountants keep coming under the scanners of hackers and eventually become a victim of cyber security attacks. Once ranked as the best cyber security consultant in the world, even Deloitte admitted in March 2017 to be one such victim, apparently indicating that you always have got to have a plan B in place if things go wrong.

    If an organization like that can be attacked, anyone can. More importantly, each breach leaves a lingering, if not lasting, imprint on an enterprise’s brand.

    However, the best thing to do in this situation is to recover as fast as it could be. With proper response planning and vigilant approach the recovery could be faster and a lot of damage can be saved. . Evaluate the Severity and Scope of the Incident
    If a laptop computer or other portable device is lost or stolen, identify the data that may have been exposed, and determine whether these materials are protected by password or encryption. Consider engaging forensic information technology experts to determine the scope of the problem.

    In addition, if the possibility of identity theft or other criminal activity is present, inform appropriate law enforcement agencies of the situation.

    2. Having an Incident Response Plan
    As soon as a data breach is discovered, the response plan must get in action. Generally the best approach is to take all the working devices offline and deploying the IT team (or consultant) in action.

    The most important information to find out as quickly as possible is the exact nature of the breach, the extent of the damage, and who’s responsible for the breach. When creating your response plan, you may want to create responses for a few different levels of data breaches, with detailed response steps laid out for each type of breach.

    This plan should outline what you need to do and whom you need to contact after a data breach. It should be a step-by-step guide to what you need to do to comply with state and federal laws and inform affected customers about the incident.

    3. Inform the Potentially Affected Clients
    This is a very important and critical decision to inform the client about such mishaps. Although it is understood that your firm’s credibility could be at risk but it has to be done anyways. That's because data breaches aren't just about lost data.

    They're about lost trust and small accounting firms rely on that trust to maintain their client base. When you've built up a client base over years of hard work and have to inform them that their Social Security numbers and financial records are now in the hands of criminals looking to commit fraud

    4. Deploy Software Defines Perimeter Services
    Enterprises need to constantly assess the latest advancements in network security as well. Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) services, for example, block communications between enterprise applications and end user devices from potential attacks through the Internet.

    SDP reduces security risks over the Internet by making critical applications and resources invisible to everyone until the end users and devices are authenticated and authorized. Such advancements are designed to reduce potential data breach incidents as more companies adopt new technology.

    Moreover, during the recovery process, one should learn from the past incidents and make sure to follow more stringent protocols to not let such havoc repeat itself again. Some of the steps that can be taken are:

    Require two-factor authentication for access to email from the Internet.
    Require Virtual Private Network (VPN) access for telecommuter and travelers accessing company networks. Encourage travelers to note travel device usage times, locations, and other details including connections and accounts used.
    Limit administrative access for employees to their devices; if admin access is required for job function, enact a policy restricting use or installation of non-approved third-party apps.
    If possible, provide employees with travel devices that can be rebuilt upon return; limit access from these devices and keep known baselines to expedite digital forensic review.
    We also suggest having a few practices and policies in place to avoid such mishaps coming your way, such as keeping operating systems, antiviruses, firewalls updated; having strong password policy, usage of secure devices with tracking facility; backup data must also be encrypted, etc.

    A lot of troubles can be escaped through if you have trained employees and limited admin rights. The more you are informed, the better you are secured.
خمس نصائح للسير في الطريق السليم و للتطور ببرنامج المراجعة

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Five tips to navigate your audit software journey

    If you are an accountant wrestling with the digital era, your audit software journey could very well start here.

    It’s more than likely that you have plenty of questions about which solution you should be using.

    Some of these may include: How do I find a reliable supplier? What is cloud-based? What’s the point in going digital and how will it actually help?

    To help you, we’ve put together 5 tips to direct you in your quest to help you choose the most suitable software for your audit missions.

    1. Think about what you need…
    Some providers will have long lists of advantages and not all of them will be beneficial to you.

    So take your time and list all the features you think you might need. Just ask yourself: does the software provide me with everything I need to complete my mission effectively?

    For example: A user-friendly software interface: if you can’t use it then you won’t be gaining much time.Real-time updated ISA’s integrated: this is important to keep your files up to date and in order.

    Collaborative working features: having your team all working together in a streamlined manner will save you hours!

    Support service: if you get stuck you need somewhere to go.

    And then, of course, listen to the audit software provider’s advice; because who knows, their solution may just offer a useful feature that you hadn’t listed but in reality by adopting it you will be twice as efficient. The thought alone is exciting!

    2. Is the audit software 100 per cent safe and reliable?
    You need to double check that the solution you choose will please your clients: will their files and data be safe? Where will it all be stored? It is important to know which features are key requirements for you and which are nice to have. For example: does the software has a double authentication feature; this will protect your files and client details.

    As well, check where the providers servers are hosted and their level of security, these simple verifications will reassure you and keep you and your clients mind at rest. Don’t forget, that a cloud package or full web service require a safe, consistent and reliable internet connection to allow you to access your data, whether that’s via a laptop, desktop or mobile device.

    3. What do I do if I get stuck?
    Imagine working on a big file with a tight deadline and getting stuck… With this in mind you need to check that the solution provider has a support service. Whether it’s a free or a paid service either by email or telephone it’s an essential. Even with the easiest of software, sometimes we all need a little help and advice.

    4. How do I pay for the service?
    Some services offer a pay by file method and others an annual subscription. Think about how many clients you have and thus the number of files and work out which method would work out the most cost-efficient for you. Not forgetting the ease of use and so forth, because as we all know: cheap doesn’t always mean better and vice versa as a matter of fact.

    5. Don’t forget about the future
    When investing in anything it’s always important to consider how you want to shape your future. Forgetting about this can be dangerous; how do you imagine your business tomorrow? Are your competitors leaving you behind? Investing in a software that is scalable and can grow with you is ideal and if they can support you along the way then you will save a lot of time and money. Most cloud-based software providers offer you the opportunity to propose modifications and enjoy listening to their clients.
الأحد, 13 أكتوبر 2019 11:16

اجتماعيات علم المحاسبة

رغم تدخل التكنولوجيا وتطور دور برامج الحاسب الآلي في تسهيل أعمال المحاسب، بالإضافة إلى زيادة الإنتاجية مع الجودة والدقة التي تمنحها تلك البرامج والتي تضيف لصاحب العمل ميزة تنافسية، إلا أنه لا غني عن العنصر البشري وأهمية دوره في المهنة

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Sociology of Accounting
الصفحة 20 من 20


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



جميع النصوص و الصور محمية بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و لا نسمح بالنسخ الغير مرخص

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