عرض العناصر حسب علامة : ERP

أكد الدكتور فايز الضباعني، رئيس مصلحة الضرائب، بذل وزارة المالية ومصلحة الضرائب المصرية كل الجهود من أجل التيسير على الممولين، وتقديم كامل الدعم الفني لهم للانضمام إلى منظومة الإيصال الإلكتروني،

نشر في ضرائب
الخميس, 15 ديسمبر 2022 11:56

ما هي برامج المحاسبة ؟

برامج المحاسبة هي برامج تساعد المحاسبين في تسجيل المعاملات المالية للشركة والإبلاغ عنها كما تختلف وظيفة برنامج المحاسبة من برنامج لآخر. قد تختار الشركات الأكبر حجمًا اخيتار برنامج مخصص يدمج كمية هائلة من البيانات من العديد من الأقسام المختلفة.

الأربعاء, 06 يوليو 2022 08:33

7 مهارات محاسبية للمحاسب القانوني

يمكن أن تساعك شهادة CPA في فتح الأبواب لك أمام مجموعة من الوظائف والأدوار القيادية الصعبة في مجال مهنة المحاسبة. ستجد محاسبين قانونيين اليوم يعملون كمدققين داخليين، ومديري تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومحاسبين ضرائب، ومديرين ماليين، ومديرين تنفيذيين لشركات كبرى.

استهدف البحث دراسة أثر استخدام المراجعة المستمرة في بيئة نظم تخطيط موارد المنشآة (ERP) للحد من ممارسات إدارة الأرباح, ولتحقيق أهداف البحث أجري البحث على عينة من شرکات المساهمة المدرجة في مؤشر السوق المصري (EGX100) موزعة على عدد من القطاعات الإقتصادية المختلفة.

تتمثل إحدى أفضل الطرق لتوطيد العلاقة مع العميل في الشركات الصغيرة من خلال مساعدته على دمج وظائف المحاسبة مع الجانب التشغيلي للأعمال.

الغرض من الدراسة : تحديد الدور المحوري الذي يمکن أن يلعبه المحاسب الإداري في مساعدة الأعمال علي ترجمة رؤى البيانات الجديدة إلي قيمة للشرکة باستخدام تقنيات تصويرية متعددة والترکيز علي المهارات التي يجب أن تتوافر لدي المحاسب الإداري

معلومات إضافية

  • البلد مصر

ترجع أهمية الدراسة إلى ما يشهده العالم الآن من تطور هائل في نظم تکنولوجيا المعلومات وسعي المنشآت الدائم نحو الإستخدام الأمثل لکافة الموارد المتاحة 

ERP هو اختصار يرمز إلى برنامج تخطيط موارد المؤسسة يعتبر برنامج لإدارة عمليات الأعمال حيث يدير ويدمج البيانات المالية للشركة، وسلسلة التوريد، والعمليات، والتجارة، وإعداد التقارير، والتصنيع، وأنشطة الموارد البشرية. تمتلك معظم الشركات شكلًا من أشكال النظام المالي والتشغيلي، ولكن معظم البرامج الموجودة لا يمكنها تجاوز العمليات التجارية اليومية أو المساعدة في نمو الأعمال في المستقبل.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية What is ERP and why do you need it?
    ERP is an acronym that stands for enterprise resource planning (ERP). It’s a business process management software that manages and integrates a company’s financials, supply chain, operations, commerce, reporting, manufacturing, and human resource activities. Most companies have some form of finance and operational system in place but most of the software that’s out there can’t go beyond everyday business processes or help with future business growth.

    As company’s needs change and they expand, their systems should keep up with them. We’ll define what ERP is and why it’s smart to have software in place that keeps up with your business needs.

    What is enterprise resource planning? Yesterday and today.
    Historically, ERP systems were monolithic suites that that worked separately and didn’t talk with other systems. Each system required expensive, complex, and customized code to meet unique business requirements which slowed—or even prevented—the adoption of new technology or process optimization.

    What makes today’s ERP software different is that it brings all these different processes to the table and together in one fluid system. And not just offering data connectivity within your ERP system, but also within your productivity tools, e-commerce, and even customer engagement solutions. Helping you connect all your data for better insights that help you optimize your processes across your entire business.

    In addition, a modern ERP solution offers flexible deployment options, improved security and privacy, sustainability, and low-code customization. But most importantly, it will build continuity and resiliency into your business and processes through insights that help you innovate at a rapid rate today while preparing your business for what’s next tomorrow.

    Why ERP is critical for your businesses
    While there’s no all-up solution software for every business process, ERP technology is getting better and better at bringing processes together. Once your processes, systems, and data are connected, you’ll get the intelligence, acceleration, and adaptability you need to start optimizing your operations.

    Here’s three ways ERP can improve your business:

    Drive optimal performance
    With solutions that integrate artificial intelligence (AI), you’ll access insights that enhance your decision making and reveal ways to improve operational performance going forward.

    Accelerate operational impact
    By connecting processes and data, you’ll bring more visibility and flexibility to employees to help them take action quickly and deliver more value across the business.

    Ensure business agility
    Many ERP solutions are built to adapt to your needs and grow with you, helping you proactively prepare for—and readily respond to—any operational disruption or market change.

    What business functions benefit from ERP?
    ERP can cover many core functions across your organization—helping break down the barriers between the front office and back office while offering the ability to adapt your solution to new business priorities. Some of the key business functions include:


    Today’s retailers face many challenges and an ERP system can deliver a complete, omnichannel solution that unifies back-office, in-store, and digital experiences. Customers will get a more personalized and seamless shopping experience through AI recommendations, while retailers are able to increase employee productivity, help reduce fraud, and grow their business.


    Modern ERP will help you increase profitability while driving compliance. It offers dashboards and AI-driven insights that give you an overview of your finances to help you tap into the real-time information anytime and anywhere. It should also help you cut down on entering information manually by automating daily tasks and include tracking abilities that help with your business’s regulatory compliance.

    Human resources

    Modern solutions offer ways to manage company data and streamline employee management tasks like payroll, hiring, and other duties. You’ll be in a better position to help retain, recruit, and empower employees while also tracking employee performance and identifying HR problems before they happen.


    This function improves business communication, automates daily processes through robotic process automation, and offers manufacturers the ability to fulfill customer needs and manage resources by accessing real-time data. This solution also optimizes project and cost management as well as production planning.

    Supply chain

    If your company is still entering information by hand and trying to track down inventory in your warehouse, you can easily save time and money by automating these processes with ERP. Modern solutions also offer dashboards, business intelligence, and even Internet of Things (IoT) technology to help you get a handle on your inventory management.

    Three signs that you need ERP
    If you’re reading this and struggling with your legacy system, you probably already know that implementation is in your future, but here are the signs that you definitely need new ERP starting today:

    The basics aren’t letting you grow
    Perhaps you’ve been doing fine with basics, but if your current software is putting limits on your market expansion and ability to grow on a global scale, it may be time for a better ERP system that does.

    You’re dealing with disparate systems
    As technology changes, you’re noticing that your disparate systems don’t work well together. You may notice that your new accounting software isn’t compatible with your old HR system, and you’re tired of wasting time and resources trying to stitch a solution together.

    You can’t meet customer expectations
    If your staff and customers are mobile and your system isn’t accommodating them, it’s time to invest in one that meets everyone’s needs. If you feel like you can’t afford to invest in meeting your customer’s expectations, and you’re not willing to give your staff the tools they need to succeed, you’ll lose them to a competing business pure and simple.


    If you or your staff is asking for a new system and there’s a resistance to an ERP change, one of the ways to combat this is to schedule a demo so everyone can see what’s out there. Plus, when everyone feels like they’re included in on the decision process it’ll make implementation much easier.

    Why some businesses are afraid to embrace ERP implementation
    Despite all the options out there, some companies are still hesitant about implementing ERP. There could be many reasons why, but where there’s a fear, there’s a solution.

    FEAR: How do I know I’m choosing the right ERP solution for my business?

    You don’t have to find the perfect software solution to fix everything. ERP should actually be able to take the best of the business processes you’re using now and bring them together under one system, while letting everyone in your organization view the same information. This is where your choice of at technology partner is important.

    FEAR: We can’t afford a major ERP overhaul.

    A solution doesn’t have to be an all or nothing implementation proposition. Software solution modules can be purchased separately depending on your business needs. This will help your team ease into the implementation piece of ERP and it’ll save having to invest in a major software renovation without knowing whether or not the functions you’re adding will pay off.

    FEAR: We don’t want to lose the systems we have in place now.

    As we mentioned, any ERP solution you choose should work with what you’re using now but also include features that can help in your future growth. For instance, if the software you have mostly handles the financial, supply chain, and manufacturing sides of your business, you may want to look for a solution that brings in a strong business intelligence component.

    Discover what modern ERP can do for your business
    Now that you’ve got a good grasp on what ERP is, discover the ways that Microsoft Dynamics 365 brings the best of what modern enterprise resource planning has to offer your business—modular, end-to-end business applications that connect all your data for continuous insights that help you rapidly respond to change so you’re future-ready.
الأربعاء, 16 مارس 2022 13:07

ما هي محاسبة تخطيط موارد المؤسسات؟

تعد أنظمة تخطيط موارد المؤسسات (ERP) من بين أكثر منصات تكنولوجيا المعلومات شيوعًا في السوق، خاصةً للمحاسبة. ولكن هل لا يزال هذا هو الحال، أم أن الحلول المحاسبية لتخطيط موارد المؤسسات أصبحت قديمة؟

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are among the most popular IT platforms on the market, particularly for accounting. But is this still the case, or have ERP accounting solutions become outdated?

    How Does ERP Manage Digital Accounting?
    ERP refers to an IT stack that supports a variety of business functions like operations and specialized industry functions like manufacturing tasks. Of course, one of its original features, and what it’s most known for, is accounting. ERP accounting streamlines the digital accounting process in two ways:

    1. Interconnected Solutions
    ERPs are IT platforms – similar to the newer customer relationship management (CRM). ERPs house different but interconnected applications related to individual business practices that can share relevant data with the accounting system. The goal is to have a system of integrated solutions that can house the same data. In accounting, there are different solutions that initiate transactions or document projects that are directly connected to the accounting software interface. This saves time by eliminating manual data entry into the general ledger.

    2. Defined Process Structure
    ERPs provide a defined, occasionally rigid operational structure to the processes on the platform. This includes accounting. This serves to establish organization and consistency in various operations. For digital accounting, financial processes usually are structured in the most common formatting or based on standard practice.

    What Are Some Benefits of ERP Accounting?
    ERP accounting software has significant advantages over standalone accounting software. This is due to the fact that the accounting system is pre-connected with other business tools.

    Everything you do in business touches accounting, whether it’s the projects you’re funding or producing for customers or the marketing efforts behind your sales engine. Finances define all that you do. Applications connected to the ERP share data surrounding return-on-investment, sales numbers, operating costs, assets, and liabilities with accounting system. This means no more having to hunt down and manually re-enter and validate accounting data. This data connectivity offers several key benefits:

    1. Enhanced Productivity
    ERPs help eliminate the need for manual data entry and having to work between different applications. Because the accounting data is centralized on the ERP, staff can complete accounting processes faster. This also frees staffs’ time to focus on higher-priority tasks instead of re-typing or looking up info.

    2. Streamlined Accounting Process
    Because accounting data is centralized and automatically shared to the accounting system, staff can perform billing, reporting, and accounts receivable much more efficiently. This also means the accounting process doesn’t have to be interrupted by data entry and validation. If the accounting ERP enables high-level automation, financial management gets even easier and more effective.

    3. Data Accuracy
    One of the leading benefits of cloud-based technology is that you can link your essential business applications on the cloud to the accounting system. Besides saving time, this is critical for data accuracy, which is, of course, crucial for accounting. Because the transactions that run in different applications connect instantly to the accounting system, the information isn’t lost or at risk of being re-entered incorrectly. This also gives users a single cohesive data trail to re-check accounting entries for due diligence.

    4. Cost Savings
    Because your business tools seamlessly connect to your accounting system, ERP accounting can reduce expenses of both time and money. With increased accuracy, costly accounting errors can be avoided or corrected to reduce damage. This streamlined accounting frees team members from meticulous accounting chores like correcting spreadsheets.

    Interested in learning how Automation can cut down costs and improve efficiency in your back office? Download our Automation Guide today to learn more.

    Are There Limitations to ERP Accounting?
    There are definitely some downsides to traditional ERP. ERP’s strength can also be a hindrance to those requiring more flexible solutions. ERP’s legacy IT structure is designed to give pre-defined functionality and set processes. This is meant to give users a strong base to manage key tasks. As mentioned earlier, this is great for consistency. However, this approach can become an obstacle to innovation and change.

    Traditional ERP lacks the emphasis on customization that CRM built its system around. In today’s business world, software customization is mission-critical. Most companies rely on unique business models and practices, even within the same industry. Shaped by the early attitudes of computer technology, ERP didn’t evolve the same way CRM did. Early ERP developers didn’t imagine how its features could be manipulated for better use or further interconnected with other tech.

    Is ERP Accounting Still Valuable?
    Absolutely, especially more modern, flexible ERP accounting solutions. Two of the main reasons CRM came to surpass ERP are its focus on the customer/sales process and flexibility. But what if ERP was to adopt these qualities and maximize the customer’s accounting potential through highly customizable and configurable IT solutions. This is where Accounting Seed’s ERP accounting comes in.

    Accounting Seed is Your Salesforce ERP Accounting Solution
    Built on the Salesforce CRM, with a CRM mindset, Accounting Seed leverages the best of both IT platforms. Accounting Seed is the most flexible accounting platform on the market. But that’s not all. Our ERP prioritizes automation, making it easier for businesses to harness and utilize their accounting data. Sign up for your free demo to see how.


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



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