عرض العناصر حسب علامة : الفواتير

أعلن رضا عبدالقادر مساعد وزير المالية لشؤون مصلحة الضرائب، عن إطلاق التشغيل التجريبي لبرنامج "فاتورتك حمايتك وجايزتك"؛ وهو برنامج يقوم على منح حوافز ومزايا للمواطنين عند حصولهم على الإيصال أو الفاتورة عند شراء سلعة أو الحصول على خدمة.

نشر في ضرائب
الثلاثاء, 13 سبتمبر 2022 12:35

ما هو نظام المحاسبة المتكامل

باستخدام برنامج المحاسبة المتكامل الصحيح، يمكنك قضاء وقت أقل في إدارة مهام المحاسبة وتقليل أخطاء إدخال البيانات المكلفة المحتملة. إليك كل ما تحتاج لمعرفته حول كيفية عمل تكامل نظام المحاسبة وكيفية اختيار الأداة المناسبة لعملك.

أعلن رضا عبدالقادر رئيس مصلحة الضرائب، أنه سيتم تخفيض مهلة الـ 7 أيام الممنوحة للممولين المسجلين على منظومة الفاتورة الإلكترونية لإرسال الفواتير الإلكترونية على المنظومة لتصبح المهلة ستة أيام من تاريخ إصدار الفاتورة الإلكترونية

نشر في ضرائب

بيّنت هيئة الزكاة والضريبة والجمارك «زاتكا»، إمكانية قيام المنشآت المتعاقدة مع الجهات الحكومية بإضافة تعديلات على إقرارات ضريبة القيمة المضافة التي سبق تقديمها للهيئة.

نشر في أخبار مهنية

بالنسبة للمدراء الماليين، يعتبر التحول الرقمي أمرًا لا بد منه في مرحلة ما بعد الجائحة

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية digital transformation is a post-pandemic must
    The massive remote work experiment forced upon business by the pandemic has been largely successful for two reasons — the perseverance and diligence of employees and the virtual technologies used to communicate, collaborate and automate business processes.

    In the finance and accounting (F&A) function, work tools like video conferencing platforms and automated software solutions allowed for work to proceed — invoices were sent, bills were collected, revenues and expenses were recorded, and companies closed the books. This information served a crucial purpose, enabling more insightful CFO decisions, and the ability to rapidly respond to unpredictable market changes.

    With the pandemic receding as the public gets vaccinated, many CFOs are heeding the lessons learned over the past 14 months and doubling down on business process automation. While this digital transformation was underway pre-COVID-19, the impact of the pandemic on how people work has accelerated CFO investments in technologies that allow F&A teams to virtually access data across enterprise systems, enhance efficiencies, optimize cash management, reduce costs, and provide clearer visibility into business performance for decision-making.

    ASC 842 and IFRS 16 Lease Accounting Software from CoStar
    Lease accounting software from CoStar analyzes and classifies leases for new lease accounting requirements
    The findings of three recent surveys suggest renewed CFO urgency surrounding digital transformation, with investments geared to helping the F&A function thrive in today’s “new normal” of work. Deloitte’s Q1 2021 CFO Signals, for example, indicates that more than three-quarters of CFO respondents expect more of their finance and accounting work to be completed remotely post-pandemic. Nearly two-thirds (63%) plan to make technology investments that improve FP&A (financial planning and analysis), management reporting (46%) and controllership/accounting (25%).

    A survey by Gartner on CFO digitalization imperatives concluded that finance chiefs have entered a period of significant finance and accounting transformation, with CFOs looking to invest in technologies that enhance financial data visibility and generate functional efficiencies. More than 9 in 10 (93%) of the CFO respondents have a vision for the function that is leaner, more digital and driven by data.

    Since the pandemic reared, BlackLine’s latest annual survey of 1,300 C-level executives and F&A professionals in midsize and large organizations found that more than one-third (36%) of the respondents had invested in automation technologies. Another 40% are planning to improve financial planning, analysis, budgeting and forecasting through further investments in automation over the next 12 months.

    A pivotal juncture

    The three surveys suggest that CFOs no longer view business process automation in F&A as an impractical for now “nice to have.” Rather they have mustered the resolve to invest in the function’s digital transformation. Chief among the reasons appears to be the need for CFOs to make decisions rooted in reality. Without real-time business data upon which to base their deliberations, the risks of making inferior decisions looms high.

    That’s just one of the conclusions from another recent CFO survey from Accenture. While 99% of the 450 CFOs of companies with at least $1 billion in revenue say real-time data is “critical” for them to navigate changing business conditions, only 16% of the respondents are being informed by this data at a scale that’s needed.

    The surveys sponsored by both BlackLine and Deloitte affirm that businesses are increasingly reliant on the F&A function to provide crucial data and analysis for decision-making. One-third (33%) of the respondents to the BlackLine survey say the pandemic has increased pressure on the function “to provide an accurate picture of company performance” and 29% say they feel pressured to “do more with less.” The Deloitte survey arrived at a similar conclusion, with 54% of the CFO respondents citing “higher demands from executive and leadership teams” and 37% reporting a higher volume of work in the F&A function.

    To address these pressures, all four surveys indicate that CFOs are committed to spending capital to build real-time business processing capabilities. The Accenture survey, for instance, indicates that 44% of the CFO respondents plan to have nearly all finance processes and operations in real-time in the next three years, with 33% planning to invest at least half the F&A budget in this area.

    Gartner’s survey cited the types of technology investments needed to transform F&A into a “digital” function.” They run the gamut from robotic process automation and machine learning tools used for budgeting and forecasting to technologies that automate and orchestrate end-to-end finance and accounting processes, “unlocking data and insights for the business at scale.”

    The various survey findings also suggest that many CFOs are looking to enhance the skills sets within the F&A function. Deloitte’s survey indicates that most CFOs would like to “bolster” their F&A teams’ talents in data analytics, forecasting, technology, digital and automation. Gartner’s survey says that CFOs are looking to fill a “growing digital skills gap” in the function to improve its ability to “exploit digital technology capabilities.”

    More than half (58%) of CFOs in Accenture’s survey expressed concern about having talent within the function to perform real-time scenario planning. BlackLine’s survey indicates that more than one-third (34%) of the respondents will increase headcount to improve the F&A function’s analysis and forecasting capabilities.

    If the various survey findings are correct, it will represent a sea change within the function, which has long been undermined by outdated, spreadsheet-driven manual processes, the primary reason impelling 37% of the BlackLine survey respondents to digitally transform the function. While CFOs have allocated capital through the years to automate profit centers like sales and marketing, they have been disinclined to invest money in a function they lead, perceiving it as more of a cost center.

    In 2020, this mindset became as antiquated as yesteryear’s F&A processes. As the four surveys suggest, modernizing the function is a competitive imperative.
الإثنين, 22 فبراير 2021 12:20

تنمية ممارستك -بدون إضافة عملاء جدد

ليس سرا أن المنافسة اليوم شرسة. أضف ذلك إلى عام الوباء حيث كانت العديد من الشركات تكافح من أجل البقاء

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Growing your practice — without adding new clients
    By Charles Hylan
    February 17, 2021, 9:00 a.m. EST
    3 Min Read
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    It’s no secret that competition today is fierce. Add that to the year of the pandemic where many businesses were struggling to survive, and the thought of growth may seem like a stretch goal. However, it was and is possible. And the best part is that you can likely grow your practice without adding new clients. A few simple steps and modifications or additions to your current business model can make all the difference.

    1. Benchmark your firm with others your size and in your market. One of the first things you can do is to benchmark your firm with other firms in your space. The easiest way to accomplish this is to determine your financial and managerial metrics and compare them to similar firms in similar-sized markets. Although you may have to purchase comparisons for a small fee, there are numerous comparison metrics available for a multitude of categories. Examples of just a few reference metrics include income per partner, overall billing rate, administration as a percent of total headcount, staff-to-partner ratios, average annual billable hours per partner and per staff, professional staff turnover, and many more.

    Benchmarking will allow you to make comparisons and determine where you lag behind industry norms. You can then develop an action plan to address and improve your performance in those areas.

    2. Form strategic alliances to strengthen your firm’s service offerings. Another area to consider when growing your firm with your current clientele is to form strategic alliances with trusted firms and companies offering complementary services. For example, law firms that specialize in trusts or financial services firms are “low-hanging fruit” — obvious choices for partnering. Further, depending upon your clientele and their industries, you may want to partner with specialty tax, financial or engineering firms geared toward your client’s industry.

    Two key takeaways when considering strategic alliances are to keep an open mind, and to thoroughly evaluate both your clients’ needs and the quality of the alliances with whom you partner. Forming optimal strategic alliances can allow you to better serve your clients, position your firm as the center of expertise, and increase firm profits per client.

    3. Become a thought leader for your niche. While your offerings may be diverse, concentrating your efforts on a particular niche or specialized offering will lead your clients to start recognizing you as an expert or thought leader. Sharing your knowledge and expertise freely through multiple outlets including web forums, blog posts, FAQs on your website, social media posts, and publications will keep your name associated with specialized areas and information. Reaching your existing clientele with thought leadership content will keep them engaged and loyal by viewing you as a trusted advisor.

    4. Manage your customer relationships and build loyalty. At the end of the day, it’s the people-to-people relationships that build firms, not marketing plans or campaigns. A vital piece of increasing revenue from your existing clients is to manage their experience and build loyalty. To effectively and efficiently accomplish this, there are multiple customer relationship management software packages available that can help. When choosing a CRM that’s right for your firm, a critical eye should evaluate it for its applicability, ease of use, and versatility. While there are many CRMs on the market, there are some built specifically for accounting firms.

    A CRM software should help you efficiently and strategically manage marketing, sales, and client relationships. Your CRM system should not only assist you with managing these relationships, but it should also help identify the relationships that matter the most and offer a personalized experience.

    5. Upsell your existing clients. The strategies above will provide a framework for upselling your existing clients with additional or more comprehensive services. With a CRM system supporting timely communication and thought leadership content that positions you as an expert in your field, your clients will organically inquire about related services and offerings that could benefit them and their business. You want to be the “go-to” firm for your clients’ financial lives, and you can lean on the strategic partnerships described above to fulfill any gaps in your existing services.

    When looking to grow your business this year, the strategies above provide a powerful opportunity for you to do so without having to add additional clientele. By enriching the relationship, you are creating loyalty and growing your practice with your existing client base — it’s a win-win for your firm and your clients.

مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية لأصحاب شركات المحاسبة

نشر في إنفوجرافيك
المحاسب جيد في الأرقام. جيد حقًا في الأرقام. إذن، ما هي الأرقام التي تستخدمها لإدارة ممارستك؟
الإثنين, 10 أغسطس 2020 11:12

التدقيق عن بُعد

غيّرت جائحة COVID 19 بشكل كبير اهمية تواجد الموظفين الشخصي بالشركة


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



جميع النصوص و الصور محمية بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و لا نسمح بالنسخ الغير مرخص

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