عرض العناصر حسب علامة : خدمة العملاء

رسالة دكتوراه عن رضاء العملاء وهدف الدراسة التعرف على الأسباب الرئيسية والصعوبات التي تؤدي إلى عدم رضاء العملاء عن الخدمات المقدمة من قبل شركة أورنج مصر.

تناول البحث الحالي التعرف علي تقييم اتجاهات العملاء نحو توقعات و ادراكات جودة خدمة الاتصالات للعميل (الجوانب المادية، و الاعتمادية، و الاستجابة، والامان، والتعاطف) و توقعات و ادراكات المسؤولين (الجوانب المادية، و الاعتمادية، و الاستجابة، والامان، والتعاطف)، في شركات الاتصالات بدولة الكويت

معلومات إضافية

  • البلد مصر
  • المدينة المنوفية

يُعد إثراء تجربة العميل محركًا رئيسيًا في الأعمال المستدامة. هذا هو السبب في أن كل جانب من جوانب عمليتك، وخاصة المحاسبة، يجب أن يعطيها الأولوية. إلى جانب المساعدة في إدارة عمليات الخصم والائتمان، تعد المحاسبة إحدى الطرق التي تتواصل بها مع العملاء. ستساعدك هذه المقالة في معرفة كيف يمكن أن تساعدك ميزات المحاسبة الصحيحة في تحسين تجربة العميل.

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية ollowing is a guest post submitted by a contributor.

    Enriching the customer experience is a key driver in sustainable business. That’s why every facet of your operation, particularly accounting, should prioritize it. Besides helping manage debits and credits, accounting is one of the ways you connect with customers. The way you manage finances and collect accounting data will also impact how you build customer bonds. This piece will look at how the right accounting features can help you improve the customer experience.

    How can accounting improve the customer experience?
    There are three primary ways accounting can boost the customer experience.

    Data insight – By being able to effectively aggregate and analyze the accounting data relating to your products, initiatives, and other key areas, you’ll have a clear insight into company performance. Specifically, you’ll be able to see areas that are creating a good customer experience and generating more engagement and sales. You can also examine areas that are not creating positive customer engagement. A strong accounting system will give you a full 360-degree view of how each area of your business is performing and meeting goals. Armed with this info, you can then apply improvements.

    Smooth billing and accounting cycles – No customer likes dealing with billing mistakes or confusion with payments. By making the billing and invoicing processes efficient and user-friendly, you will make it easier for them to keep doing business with you. Making these areas more streamlined, accurate, and transparent will mean you and your customers save time and money.

    Security and privacy – Web-based transactions and systems are vulnerable to attack. One of the worst customer experiences is having their identity and/or money stolen. You can avoid this with security-focused accounting practices and technology. Assuring your customers of their safety encourages more business and positive customer experience with each payment.
    Accounting features that improve the customer experience
    The proficiency or these accounting areas is heavily dependent on the tools you’re using. Here are some critical features you should look for.

    System flexibility
    System flexibility plays a critical, overarching role in these features. This must be the central quality of your accounting tool because this dictates how you will optimize the processes of your accounting to improve customer experience. Specifically, look for customization and configuration options that allow you to fully control the accounting processes as you desire.

    Automated billing and other accounting functions improve both work efficiency and customer experience. For example, invoices can be scheduled and sent out on certain dates and cycles automatically. This eliminates work and allows for a simple accounting lifecycle for both parties.

    Custom billing
    Personalizing your service goes a long way in showing that you value your customer and it makes their lives easier. This is particularly true when it’s time to pay. Being able to dictate the layout, breakdown, and timing of invoices makes the experience of payment more streamlined in itself. This also eliminates confusion and errors. Customers can examine their unique information more clearly and proceed from there either with payment or in follow-ups.

    Customer data tracking
    Being able to safely accumulate and analyze relevant customer data will help you improve the products and services you provide. Tracking purchasing amounts, service data, time, costs, and other relevant notes will help you tailor your customer service and delivery to secure more sales. You’ll also see what’s working with your customer relationship, like products that they’re most interested in, or seeing how staff are engaging customers to enhance their experience. All this data and more should be accessible to your staff in order to make improvements. Again, this also makes the entire work process faster and easier to manage too. Example: information can be stored on the customer account record and automatically flow through to customer invoices without extra steps.

    Easy customer emails
    Smooth communication is valuable for the customer experience, especially with money involved. Being able to send a secure email within the accounting system keeps communication faster and more precise. Records of these emails should be logged and easily tracked to render efficient service and responses. Having access to unique email templates and pdf formats tailored for each customer will help with payment processing too.

    A secure accounting system ensures a protected customer and a safe business relationship. A fully-secure accounting system is a must on the cloud; data threats are only amping up. Any kind of data theft or loss whether due to internal or external factors damages both your company and your customers. It’s your responsibility to safeguard their personal and financial data. By doing so, you also protect your company. You do this by utilizing an accounting system that is equipped with a strong security-focused infrastructure, including encryption capabilities, as well as internal control features. Internal control features allow you to assign restrictions within your accounting system to eliminate costly errors and control access to viral data. You’ll also want to make sure your accounting tool follows Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards for safely storing payment information.

سواء كنت تخطط لاجتماع عمل مع أحد العملاء شخصياً او باستخدام التكنولوجيا عن طريق بعض البرامج من وسائل التواصل، فمن الضروري أن تحضر لهذه الجلسة وتكون مستعد.

معلومات إضافية

  • البلد عالمي
  • نوع الفعالية مجانا
  • بداية الفعالية الخميس, 26 أغسطس 2021
  • نهاية الفعالية الخميس, 26 أغسطس 2021
  • التخصص تكنولوجيا
  • مكان الفعالية أونلاين
نعلم جميعًا أن الإنكار ليس نهرًا في مصر، لكن كم منا يعرف أن الإنكار هو حالة شركتنا؟

معلومات إضافية

  • المحتوى بالإنجليزية Is denial a river in Egypt or the state of your firm?
    By Dom Esposito

    We all know that denial is not a river in Egypt, but how many of us know that denial is the state of our firm?

    In his 2008 book entitled “Strategy and the Fat Smoker,” David Maister wrote that we often (or even usually) know what we should be doing in both our personal and professional life. We also know why we should be doing it and (often) how to do it. Figuring all that out is not too difficult. What is very difficult is actually doing what you know to be good for you in the long run, despite short-run temptations. Therefore, many leaders, and by extension many small and midsized CPA firms, live in denial.

    More often than not, what needs to be done by a firm’s managing partner or CEO is obvious. While it’s not always easy, he or she needs to make those tough decisions in the best interests of the firm. But many leaders are in denial and fall short of what’s required, and, in many cases, that’s the principal reason why so many firms can’t get to the next level or, worse yet, can’t perpetuate themselves.

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    Think beyond the pandemic with exclusive resources to help you build a thriving virtual practice.

    Presented below are the obvious but not easy things that a managing partner needs to do in today’s world of public accounting to be viewed as an effective leader who sits on top of a firm that is not in denial:

    Walk and talk the vision, mission and strategy of the firm. Lead by example. “Do as I do, not as I say.”
    Create an environment that breeds trust, persistency and consistency.
    Shepherd senior partners and potential all-stars.
    Create a firm-first (our clients vs. my clients) culture.
    Be open to service diversification. Move away from the traditional accounting firm model to a professional services firm model.
    Address ineffective partners on a timely basis.
    Realize that size (with quality and profits) matters, and explore a business combination or two if that is in the long-term best interests of clients, staff and partners.
    Deliver on the client promise of being a trusted advisor.
    Create goal setting, accountability and discipline — first and foremost with the partners and then with the staff.
    Drive industry specialization, the undisputed vehicle to provide client distinctiveness and value.
    Implement a partner compensation plan that is fair and equitable, incentivizes high performers and potential all-stars, and avoids “sprinkles.”
    Get value from non-billable time.
    Create a balanced approach to partner and staff utilization that’s neither too lenient nor too overbearing.
    Insist that a strategic plan may require a “no” when an idea doesn’t conform.
    Develop an effective “farm system” for talent, particularly future partners.
    Avoid being too many things to too many sectors.
    Gain market permission from the gatekeepers such as investment bankers, attorneys and bankers who will enable you to move upstream with clients.
    Grow for strategic purposes not simply for volume.
    Require the proper mix of clients, marquee clients (credential builders) and other clients that help pay the rent and train the staff.
    Have corporate governance and operating models that work for the overall firm.
    Always have the desire (and ability) to invest in the future.
    Help partners and staff realize that quality work doesn’t necessarily mean quality service.
    From a quick review of the above, it’s clear that a managing partner is the heart and soul of a CPA firm, the one who must do what needs to be done to avoid denial and to ensure success. Having said that, many firms do not have effective managing partners. Here are four common mistakes to avoid when selecting managing partners:

    1. Don’t ask the firm’s No. 1 biller to be managing partner.

    While a successful managing partner usually carries a small client load to stay grounded in client service and to remain credible with the partner group, billings and chargeable hours are truly a small part of the job. In my view, a managing partner’s clients are the partners, giving them the opportunity to maximize their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses. A managing partner has to be readily available for big opportunities or problems.

    2. Think long and hard before you ask someone from the outside to be managing partner.

    Without a lot of due diligence and partner buy-in, an “outsider” is too risky, particularly if someone comes from outside the professional services firm environment. An outsider obviously doesn’t know the firm’s history or culture or the partners’ individual strengths and weaknesses. An outsider also isn’t attached to the firm’s vision, mission and strategy. Please stay away.

    3. Don’t ask two partners to function as co-managing partners.

    In the spirit of political correctness, it’s not unusual for firms to select co-managing partners. It’s a safe decision that doesn’t offend quality partners who compete for the position.

    While from time to time, this kind of arrangement can work, many times it doesn’t and is therefore a step that should be taken with lots of caution. Too often firms with co-managing partners are plagued with inaction or conflicting directions with little, if any, consistency on strategy. If co-managing partners can be avoided, take the bold step and the tough decision: select the right person for the job today and make sure you do your best to retain the other contenders.

    4. Don’t ask a part-time committee to be managing partner.

    Firms can’t operate by part-time committees. A firm needs to make decisions and move on. Sure, a firm needs oversight committees such as a management committee or an operations committee to drive their day-to-day activities. A firm also needs an executive committee for corporate governance, partner matters and strategy. But a firm can’t easily do what is obvious if the key leadership role is delegated to a part-time committee that reacts to situations if and when time permits. It’s a recipe for disaster. No one is thinking about strategy and the future while, at the same time, making sure that the necessary blocking and tackling are being tended to.

    So, why do some firms continue to live in denial and lack an effective managing partner? In many cases, it comes down to trust and security.

    Many firms select a new managing partner from their ranks at an age somewhere between 45 and 53. Candidates are usually excellent client relationship partners with substantial client service responsibilities. The thought of giving up a substantial portion, if not all, of the client relationships that have been developed over years of service is scary to many. For sure, there is a risk in being a managing partner. Candidates may ask, “What happens if I’m not successful? In the spirit of trust, I lose most, if not all, of my client responsibilities and begin to lose touch with my outside referral sources. I’ll have nowhere to go but to exit the firm when I’m no longer the managing partner.”

    This is a very real concern and many firms do not want to recognize the severity of the issue. Instead, firms say, “trust us,” and while that’s easy to say, history has shown that this trust has sometimes been misplaced. As a result, for the overall good and welfare of a firm, I recommend that a managing partner be offered an agreement that addresses what happens if he or she is no longer the leader of the firm. Such an agreement can address what happens to future compensation, what happens to employment, and what happens to retirement benefits or deferred compensation arrangements. It can pay huge dividends down the road for everyone.
أدى ظهور الثورة الصناعية وما صاحبها من تطور في بيئة الأعمال الحديثة وزيادة الاعتماد على الالات في الإنتاج وزيادة حجم تكلفة العمل غير المباشر إلى زيادة حجم التكاليف غير المباشرة بالنسبة للتكاليف الإجمالية للإنتاج وبالتالي أصبح النظام التقليدي لتخصيص التكاليف غير المباشرة عاجزاً عن القيام بدوره في بيئة الأعمال الحديثة بالجودة والدقة المطلوبة مما استوجب إعادة النظر في هذا النظام التقليدي
تعتبر المحاسبة عن الإيراد إحدى المتطلبات الأساسية اللازمة لتحقيق أهداف التقارير المالية وتتم المحاسبة عن الإيراد من خلال ثلاث مراحل أساسية وهي الاعتراف والقياس والإفصاح ومعظم مشاكل المحاسبة عن الإيراد ترتبط بمرحلتي الاعتراف والقياس وذلك نظراً لكبر حجم المنشآت وتعقد وتنوع أنشطتها
ظهر مصطلح المحاسبة الإدارية الاستراتيجية على يد Simmonds عام 1981 وبدأ استخدام هذا المصطلح في العديد من الكتابات منهم Kaplan , Cooper , Bromwich and الذين طوروا مداخل ابتكارية للتكاليف والاستخدام الاستراتيجي لمعلومات التكاليف وهو ما فتح الطريق أمام Shank لتطوير مدخل الإدارة الاستراتيجية للتكلفة خلال سلسلة من المقالات في الأعوام 1989 و 1992 و 1995 سعى من خلاله للتغلب على المشاكل التي تواجه الإدارة التقليدية للتكاليف

تعتبر الإيرادات أكبر وأهم بند متكرر ذو قيمة يناسب احتياجات مستخدمي القوائم المالية حيث يستخدم في تقييم قدرة المنشأة على تحقيق عوائد مستقبلية وتدفقات نقدية ويهتم المستثمرون بمشاكل تحقق الإيراد أكثر من أي مشكلة أخرى حيث تساعد على عمل المقارنات بين المنشآت المختلفة واتخاذ قرارات الاستثمار الصحيحة

الصفحة 1 من 2


في المحاسبين العرب، نتجاوز الأرقام لتقديم آخر الأخبار والتحليلات والمواد العلمية وفرص العمل للمحاسبين في الوطن العربي، وتعزيز مجتمع مستنير ومشارك في قطاع المحاسبة والمراجعة والضرائب.

النشرة البريدية

إشترك في قوائمنا البريدية ليصلك كل جديد و لتكون على إطلاع بكل جديد في عالم المحاسبة



جميع النصوص و الصور محمية بحقوق الملكية الفكرية و لا نسمح بالنسخ الغير مرخص

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