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5 استراتيجيات للذكاء الاصطناعي يمكن للمحاسبين استخدامها
كيف يمكن أن يساعد الذكاء الاصطناعي المحاسبين
الذكاء الاصطناعي هو البرنامج الوحيد الذي يمكنه استخلاص استنتاجات من كميات كبيرة من البيانات وتعديل أنشطته بناءً على تلك الاستنتاجات، ولكنه أيضًا نظام يمكنه التعلم بسرعة في الوقت الفعلي ويمكن تطبيقه على مؤسسة بأكملها.
استكشاف الأدوار في شركتك
لا يمكن أن يكون تركيزنا على التعليم أو الخبرة فقط، ولكن على من يمكنه القيام بالعمل الذي يجب القيام به.
إعداد الأعمال لأتمتة AP
يمكن لأتمتة AP أن تحسن بشكل كبير من الكفاءة والمرونة والربحية لأي عمل تجاري تقريبًا. لا تزال الشركات تتلقى وتدخل الفواتير الورقية، وتوجه الموافقات يدويًا وتعالجها، وتقطع الشيكات الورقية.
ما هو نظام المحاسبة المتكامل
باستخدام برنامج المحاسبة المتكامل الصحيح، يمكنك قضاء وقت أقل في إدارة مهام المحاسبة وتقليل أخطاء إدخال البيانات المكلفة المحتملة. إليك كل ما تحتاج لمعرفته حول كيفية عمل تكامل نظام المحاسبة وكيفية اختيار الأداة المناسبة لعملك.
الأتمتة في المحاسبة
نحن نعيش في عالم رقمي، حيث تلعب التكنولوجيا دورًا متزايدًا في كيفية عملنا وحياتنا. بالنسبة لـ CPA أو شركة المحاسبة، يمكن أن تكون مواكبة التطورات الجديدة صعبة.
معلومات إضافية
المحتوى بالإنجليزية
We’re living in a digital world, where technology increasingly has a role in how we work and live. For the CPA or small accounting firm, keeping pace with new advances can be overwhelming.
After all, this is a profession where relentless deadlines and recurring tasks are par for the course. Yet it’s that relentless and repeating aspect of accounting work where automation can really shine—and shine a light on a better way to manage the workflow of your business.
4 benefits of automating your practice (or workflow)
Here’s the rub. To many, it seems daunting to consider automating what you do. Isn’t automation too complex and expensive for smaller firms? After all, you likely have proven practices and tools like Excel to keep you on track.
Rather than ceding control, consider automation essential to gaining control and confidence. Whether you are a one-person operation or a small firm with a small team, or a growing firm with contract, full-time and part-time people, and many clients to handle, automation answers the call.
Workflow automation gives accountants and bookkeepers added muscle and quick ROI. With the right tools, you can eliminate inefficient, manual hours required for repetitive tasks and focus on areas of greater impact, like expanding value-added services to clients.
Here are four ways automation can help your practice:
1. Track tasks and productivity with ease
With quarterly filings and year-end closings, punctuated by daily tasks and evolving requirements throughout the year, you are juggling a lot of data all of the time. With automation, you can track every task and every deadline with ease. For example, recurring payroll deadlines should be automated, likewise with tax. If you are recreating monthly tasks or projects, you’re wasting time along with margins (and sanity). Automating your due date creation is essential to being more productive with your resources and your bottom line.
2. Reporting metrics and ROI
Accounting firms are prized for timely, accurate results. Automation can make it so much faster and easier to produce reports, synthesize metrics and analyze data. For example, you should be able to quickly run “done vs due” reports to instantly gauge how well you’re doing against fundamental productivity goals. Again, it is power within to do more with less to streamline your workload and path to ROI.
3. Visibility into employee capacity and choke points
Beyond the more mundane recurring tasks, automation software can provide greater clarity into who’s doing what, who’s next in the workflow, and where any issues or choke points may lie. Oftentimes, having something as simple as a “next week” work view can help you pinpoint upcoming fires—especially today. With so many firms struggling with staffing issues, it is your best bet for insights and answers.
4. Increased collaboration
When everyone on the team works with the same automated tool, you empower the whole team to stay on the right page. The right workflow software will make it easier to share information, connect with others, and collaborate to solve problems and meet critical deadlines for clients.
In my work with accounting and bookkeeping firms of all sizes, I see a lot of diversity in how firms operate, their specialties and vertical focus. Yet there is a common trait I see post-automation. This profession can demand a lot of hours. Too many owners burn the midnight oil to keep all their clients and deadlines and tasks on track. Once they automate, they gain time back.
Some simple math for you to consider. Automation can save on average 30 minutes a day. If your hourly rate is $100/hour, you can realize a savings of $12,000 in your time that can focus on other areas to improve and grow your firm such as marketing, sales, recruiting, and pricing optimization. Think about that.
Your time is your most precious commodity. Use it wisely to manage your practice, serve your clients and grow your firm. Use tools that make you stronger, able to react faster, where you have critical data at your fingertips, not locked in a file cabinet.
With the right workflow software automation in your practice, you gain a valuable asset for reclaiming your time, refocusing on client service and more profitable services, and growing your client base.
4 تحديات تواجه شركات المحاسبة
تخضع العديد من شركات المحاسبة لتغييرات كبيرة حيث أظهرت العديد من التقارير الكيفية التي يمر بها مجال المحاسبة بتغييرات جوهرية، ويجب على شركات المحاسبة تنفيذ طرق جديدة لحل هذه المشكلات
المهارات الأساسية للمحاسبين في عالم ما بعد الوباء
لقد أجبر الوباء الجميع على تغيير نموذج أعمالهم فمع خروج الشركات من السبات وتكثيف العمليات لتلبية متطلبات اقتصاد ما بعد الأزمة، يتوقع المدراء الماليون مجموعة مختلفة من المهارات من المحاسبين في المستقبل.
4 طرق يمكن للمحاسب القانوني الاستفادة من الأتمتة
مع زيادة توفير الوقت والدقة ونمو العملاء والتوازن بين العمل والحياة التي توفرها الأتمتة، فلا عجب أن سوق الأتمتة المالية ينمو بسرعة.
ماذا يمكن أن تفعل الأتمتة للشركات المحاسبية
في جميع الصناعات، تواجه الشركات مهامًا متكررة ضرورية ولكنها تستغرق وقتًا طويلاً وينطبق الشيء نفسه على العاملين في مهنة المحاسبة. إذن، ما الذي يمكنك فعله لتخفيف العبء؟
معلومات إضافية
المحتوى بالإنجليزية
Across all industries, businesses will run into necessary yet time-consuming repetitive tasks. The same is true for those in the accounting industry. So, what can you do to ease the burden? Well, thankfully there is an answer—automation. Research shows that at about 60% of jobs, about 30% of the activities completed can be automated. Industry trends show that accountants are already adopting automation into their workflow. According to the CaseWare 2022 State of Accounting Firms Trends Report, 51% of those surveyed use automation software regularly to minimize time spent on routine tasks.
What can automation do for your firm?
Automating your business allows you to offload manual and repeatable tasks through technology with defined conditions and rules for each process. Let’s take a look at a few tangible benefits automation can bring to your accounting firm.
Successfully raise prices
A CPA.com report on business model trends for accounting advisory services found that automation has been tied to firms favorably billing higher fees for their service.
“Automation can create new opportunities for accounting firms to charge higher rates—if their clients understand the value that technology and automation bring to their services. Automation technology enables accounting firms to better deliver on their experience and expertise, focus on servicing accounts, and provide strategic guidance and insight to their clients,” the report stated.
Accounting firms that utilize automation are about 3.5 times more likely to successfully raise prices when they remain transparent with clients about the benefits of automation, according to the research.
Implementing automation technology at your accounting firm allows staff members to shift the burden of administrative tasks to a software solution instead. This not only frees up their time for more important work, it also ensures the integrity of the task is maintained as human error can be eliminated from these automated processes. Automation can help you effectively increase the value you’re bringing to clients.
Those who identified as “highly automated” in the CPA.com study also consistently reported undergoing challenges less strongly than those who don’t take as much advantage of automation.
Streamline workflow
Automation can lead to firm-wide increases in productivity and a decrease in errors. There are many processes that can be automated at your accounting firm, such as sending reminders, task updates, and tracking progress on assignments—this could ultimately help your firm cut back on time spent completing these manual tasks.
Additionally, removing the burden of these manual tasks from your staff and putting it onto your software system allows employees to focus on higher-value work, which in turn can increase productivity.
Integrating automation into your accounting firm’s workflow can improve organization, decrease errors and optimize efforts of talented staff across the firm. The robust capabilities of workflow automation are also extremely effective as a holistic practice management solution, working across the firm to ensure information is retained and the user experience is simplified.